Monday, November 18, 2013


polityke lokalna (Rob Ford) +  prowincjonalna (premier Kathleen Wynne) + panstwowa (premier Harper) + swiatowa (prezydent Obama), latwo da sie zauwazyc, jak pinkusie na szczeblu lokalnym, a Putin na szczeblu globalnym przejmuja wladze. Jest to zle dla demokracji i nie wszystkie umysly to pojmuja. Wymowka, ze sie jest redneckiem i pochodzi z prerii, a to znaczy z zawezona inteligencja, nie usprawiedliwia.

Burmistrz w miescie walczy jak lew. Pinkowate media obuzaja sie moralnoscia jego. Mowia, ze osmiesza caly swiat. Jako argument uzywaja kilku pinkujacych komediantow. Glownie z USA. Udaja, ze nie widza, ze demokracja sie wali. Mowia, ze to wlasnie burmistrz Rob Ford obala demokracje. Zasada: lapac zlodzieja.

Moze moje doswiadczenia usteckie, kiedy to probowalem zostac burmistrzem Ustki, nie sa za wielkie. Ale wiem, jak totalitarysci (nazisci + komunisci) dzialaja, jak manipuluja mediami, policja, opinia publiczna. Jak potrafia zabijac charaktery.

Pan Ford moglby wpasc do Kliniki Kuciakow w Toronto. Podleczyc sie troche dobrymi ziolami. Pogadac troche o polityce z liderem Polskiej Ligi Szlacheckiej w Kanadzie panem Edwardem Kuciakiem. Z tego co wiem, ten Kuciak posiada wszystkie licencje ochroniarskie i jest dobrym, znanym w srodowisku profesjonalista. Mowi, ze nie tylko za ochroniarza, ale i kierowce moglby robic. Dla niego jazda motocyklem, samochodem z reczna czy automatyczna skrzynia biegow to pestka. Tez ma kurs Defensive Driving skonczony.

Dzis wzialem dzien wolny od pracy. Musze zadbac o zdrowie. Zjadlem glowke czosnku. Poszedlem do labolatorium + oddalem krew na test INR + poszedlem do doktora + do apteki. Zrobilem dobre 7 km. pieszo z pasem WELLNESS BELT + plecakiem. Wiatr porwisty + ziab. Zrobilem ten dystans w podskokach i z radoscia.

Doktor zdziwiony. Dalej nie popiera mojej decyzji przerwania chemii. Recepte wypisal tez na leki na cukrzyce i serce. Nie wykupilem. Wykupilem tylko na rozcieczenie krwi TARO WARFARIN. Mowie, ze lece tylko na medycynie naturalnej. Mowie, ze chemia mnie zabija, a teraz na lekach naturalnych czuje sie wysmienicie. Dalej nie wierzy. Skierowal mnie na calosciowe badania.

W koncu dzis dostarczono zamowiony drewniany siding o kolorze LAURENTIAN COPPER firmy maibec, ktory zamowilismy w sklepie LOWE'S. W poniedzialek 30 wrzesnia zamowilem 300 stop kwadratowych sidingu do domku. Zaplacilem $1217.01. We wtorek 8 pazdziernika dzwonia z LOWE'S i mowia, ze zamowiony siding bedzie kosztowal o $247.65 wiecej tj. $1464.66. Bede musial tez wziac firmy maibec gwozdzie, klej i farbe, aby otrzymac 25 lat gwarancji na deski. Pojechalem + zaplacilem w ten sam dzien.
Pod koniec pazdziernika dzwoni kobieta z LOWE'S i mowi, ze producent nie ma tego materialu na skladzie. Musi go wyprodukowac, to zajmie dluzej, do 15 listopada. Dostarczono dzisiaj 18 listopada.

Enough evidence has now accumulated to allow us to conclude that prosecuting the Marc Emery, the "Prince of Pot," has been a tragic farce. Emery's arrest, extradition and incarceration were fuelled by government malice, hypocrisy, indifference and cowardice - everything but a concern for justice and public safety.
As Ottawa continues to drag its heels on a prison transfer that would allow Emery to serve out his sentence in Canada, it seems the government is content to allow this farce to play out until the bitter end.
Marc's wife Jodie was in Ottawa late last month to press his case and to seek the support of opposition MPs. She's had some success on the later front, as both the Liberal and NDP public safety critics have expressed support for the prison transfer.
Given that U.S. government has approved Emery's prison transfer, it should be merely a formality for the Canadian government to approve it, too. Wouldn't we expect a favourable response from the U.S. government if we were seeking to repatriate an incarcerated American? Yet the closest thing resembling a response from our government was to accuse the opposition parties of being soft on crime.
Sadly, when we recall the circumstances under which Emery was taken into custody, shipped off to the United States and ultimately convicted of selling marijuana seeds, the government's current stance is very much in keeping with its approach to this file.
What's important to remember is that Ottawa was well aware that Emery was selling marijuana seeds. In fact, as a declared "marijuana seed vendor," Emery was paying taxes on his income. Not only were we not prepared to arrest Emery, we, the public, were profiting from his activities.
Therefore, whether Emery was breaking U.S. law is irrelevant. If the actions of a Canadian citizen are a crime here, we should be the ones to arrest him. If those actions are not a crime under Canadian law, we have no business shipping him off to face justice elsewhere.
If a Canadian citizen was, for example, distributing child pornography in both Canada and the United States, we would arrest him and charge him ourselves. If, however, a Canadian citizen was distributing Bibles to customers in Canada and Saudi Arabia, we'd never ship him off to face Saudi justice.
Yet, in 2005, Canadian officials arrested Emery at the request of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Still, we didn't charge him; instead, extradition proceedings commenced.
It is worth noting that a news release put out by DEA at the time of Emery's arrest declared it to be a "major blow to the legalization movement." One would be hard pressed to identify any political prisoners in either Canada or the U.S., but Emery comes awfully close.
Originally, the charges Marc Emery was facing carried a sentence of at least of 10 years in prison, with the possibility of life behind bars. Eventually, Emery agreed to a plea deal and was sentenced to five years.
And just who are his victims? Even if you subscribe to the belief that marijuana is worthy of prohibition and consenting adults need protection from themselves, a seed isn't going to get somebody high. That's like arresting someone for selling hops and barley to a minor.
To put the sentence in perspective, serial sex offender Michael Sean Stanley, the subject of a manhunt in Alberta in early October, most recently received a 32-month sentence - barely half of that handed to Emery - for the sexual assault and forcible confinement of two young boys.
And where was it that Emery was condemned to this five-year prison stint? None other than Washington state, which has now legalized the sale of marijuana. In other words, the horrible "crime" that prompted Canada and the U.S. to spend millions of dollars arresting, extraditing, convicting and incarcerating Emery is no longer a crime. Even the man who prosecuted him recently came out in support of legalizing marijuana.
Yet, despite all of this, Emery remains inmate number 40252-086 at the Yazoo City Correctional Institute in Mississippi.
There's no undoing the terrible injustice that's been done to Marc Emery. Given Ottawa's complicity, the mere act of approving a simple prison transfer would be seem like a grand, compassionate gesture (Rob Breakenridge, "Bring the Prince of Pot home", NATIONAL POST, Monday, November 18, 2013).

02:49 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

06:24 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

08:22 Hrs. (2) szklanka ziola SKRZYP + 2 daktyle.

08:37 Hrs. Podjechala ciezarowka z deskami NICK'S TRUCKING + fotka.

08:45 Hrs. Deski sidingowe wyladowane na bulwar przed domem + podpisuje papiery dostawowe.

10:35 Hrs. Biore tabletke 500 mg magnezu.

14:35 Hrs. "It's freezing with the wind" - mowi kobieta wchodzac do holu kliniki z ulicy.

14:39 Hrs. W poczekalni lekarza.

15:08 Hrs. Wychodze od lekarza.

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16:00 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER + 2 gazetami ze skrzynek na chodniku. "24hrs" z "Psyched for Santa" na okladce + "Metro" z "With little love at home, Ford calls out to U.S.. Media blitz. Strategists say Ford is looking for an alternative to local press - and that it won't fly" na okladce.

16:10 Hrs. W Trans Canada Credit Jewellery wymieniam baterie w zegarku ($6).

16:17 Hrs. U Koreanczyka kupuje 2 magazyny o marihuanie ($15.80). "SKUNK" z "It's the Emerald Cup!" na okladce + "HIGH TIMES" z "Dr. Sanjay Gupta Interview" na okladce.

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