Thursday, November 07, 2013


rewelacje na temat burmistrza Toronto wynajduje torontonska czerwona gwiazda (The Star). Znow filmik na youtubie. Belkoczacy po pijaku burmistrz o jakiejs walce na ringu, w ktorej ma zabic Mike Tysona. Na pewno nie jest to wzniosly wyczyn, za ktory zreszta szybko przeprosil Toronto + swiat. Dzieki tej calej aferze w koncu swiat dowiedzial sie o jakims tam Toronto. Burmistrz nieswiadomie swoimi pijackimi wybrykami, ktore ktos skrupulatnie nagrywal reklamuje nasze miasto.

In Ontario's Police Services Act, it states when it comes to engaging in "political rights," a police officer while in uniform must not engage in "political activity that places, or is likely to place, the police officer in a position of conflict of interest."
The Toronto Police Services Board regulations say an officer on duty is not to "express views on any issue not directly related to the police officer's responsibilities as a police officer."
Expressing his disappointment and speaking of a "traumatic issue" for the "reputation of the city," is what shocked Runciman. He also expressed surprise over the "release of police notes and photo (of) mayor urinating" - the latter was taken by a spy plane.
"The public should know the tax dollars spent on this, plus justification for the same," he said. "There is a serious issue here of use of scarce police resources and the chief should be required to explain and justify" (Joe Warmington, "Blair's act ripped. Those in the know say police chief has some explaining to do", THE TORONTO SUN, Tuesday, November 5, 2013).

01:21 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:00 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

06:26 Hrs. 4-ta szklanka wody + tabletka multiwitaminy CENTRUM FOR MEN + lyzka stolowa oleju kokosowego MCT Oil + podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Ford saga doesn't shame Toronto. Self-important rhetoric inflates city's status" na okladce.

06:37 Hrs. Czestuje sie 2 gazetami ze szkrzynek na chodniku. "Metro" z "Ford blows off advice of those closest to him. What's best for the city? Councillors who support the mayor are united in calling for him to take a pause" na oklace + "24hrs" z " 'Enough is enough'. Protesters at City Hall urge Mayor Ford to step down" na okladce.

16:30 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze 5-stopniowo + tak jakby pruszyl snieg. Temp. w kuchni 20C. Ze skrzynki na listy wyjmuje magazyn "Maclean's" z "Inside the greatest political train wreck of our time. The Rob Ford Story" na okladce + list od Stasi z Warszawy. W kuchni na stole 6 polskich gazet. "Nowy Przeglad" z "Burmistrz Toronto przeprasza" na okladce + "Puls" z "Ford has cracked" na okladce + "Wiadomosci" z "Ale ruch w interesie! W kanadyjskiej polityce same niespodzianki: premier Harper spiewa, burmistrz Ford przeprasza, ale nie zamierza ustepowac, a Senat zawiesza trzech (jak na razie) senatorow. Dzieki politykom tematy same pchaja sie na pierwsze strony gazet" na okladce + "Glos Polski" z "Niepokorni daja Polsce wolnosc. 11 listopada" na okladce + "Gazeta Polska" z "Partia Schetyny i Komorowskiego" na okladce + "Zycie" z "Nie ma diety cud. Magia nie zastapi nauki - czyli rzecz o dietach" na okladce.

20:45 Hrs. 11-ta szklanka wody + lyzeczka cynamonu + lyzka stolowa oleju z oliwek + lyzka stolowa oleju z pestek dyn Styrian Gold + lyzka stolowa oleju lnianego + czybek lyzeczki magnesu w proszku + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

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