Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spiew ptakow

o poranku

Dzis pierwszy raz w tym roku powital mnie z rana spiew ptakow. Czy to z okazji Miedzynarodowego Dnia Slonca, ktory wypada dzisiaj, zaczely spiewac? A moze jest to zwiastun nadchodzacej wiosny?

05:25 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Newsweek" (

NEWSWEEK: Niektore jednostki zaczely plywac z uzbrojona straza.
SHAMUN INDHABUR: To ich nie ochroni. Mamy rakietowe wyrzutnie granatow i mozemy je zniszczyc. Prawde mowiac, wyplywamy w morze pijani i jestesmy jak glodne wilki uganiajace za miesem. Nawet nie wiemy, co robimy, poki nie wejdziemy na poklad...
Islamisci zawarli z nami porozumienie ("Piraci. Mokra robota. O tym, dlaczego warto porywac statki i kto przymyka oko na taka dzialalnosc, opowiada Shamun Indhabur, jeden z najbardziej wplywowych somalijskich piratow", NEWSWEEK, 25.01.2009).

05:50 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 87 kg.

06:26 Hrs. Bo tak to jest kiedy marzysz o kobiecie, ktorej nie mozesz miec - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze wiosennie. Spiew ptakow. 11-stopniowo. Zachmurzenie duze. Samolot nad glowa. W dzienniku: Protesty pielegniarek i lekarzy w polskich szpitalach. Kolejna grupa polskich zolnierzy wyjechala do Afganistanu. Beda stacjonowac na lotnisku w Kabulu.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.86.5.

Czestuje sie gazetami ze skrzynek: "Metro" ( z "Hitting the road? Chrysler looking at Plan B" na okladce + "24 hours" z "Health Canada to test water" na okladce.

10:59 Hrs. Dostaje arytmii serca. Trzyma caly dzien.

15:03 Hrs. Slucham dziennik w CBC RADIO 1 ( gdy wracam do domu z pracy. Na dworze zachmurzenie umiarkowane ze slonecznymi przejasnieniami. 13-stopniowo. Wieje zimnawy wiatr. Okno otwarte. Na ulicy kabriolet + motocykl. Na chodniku spotyka sie odsloniete dekolty + krotkie rekawki. Przedsmak nadchodzacego lata.


Fanatycy wojny z marihuana zagniezdzili sie tez w torontonskim magistracie. Policja w tej groteskowej wojnie juz im nie wystarcza. Chca za ukradzione pieniadze podatnikowi stworzyc wlasna formacje do zwalczania hodowli maryski w miescie.
Dlaczego ja mam placic na te glupote? Dlaczego jakis jajoglowiec-polmozgowiec chce swoj infantylny fanatyzm wojenny finansowac za moje pieniadze?
Zwalczamy talibanizm w Afganistanie, a tu pod nosem wyrasta nam wlasna odmiana fanatykow w miejskim magistracie.

A BlackBerry expert, three staff to help commemorate the War of 1812, five workers to crack down on marijuana grow-ops and one person to "enhance divisional learning activities" are among 1,300 new hires proposed in Toronto's 2009 operating budget.
Some councillors are calling the $60-million price tag of the hiring spree "irresponsible" and are demanding a review to nix at least some of the planned positions before city council approves the $8.7-billion budget at month's end (Allison Hanes, "Hiring 1,300 will 'catch up' to city. Councillors split", NATIONAL POST, Tuesday, March 17, 2009).

Decriminalizing pot makes cents

In 2000, the Liberals looked seriously at decriminalizing, or even legalizing, marijuana. With economies at all levels in dire straits, it makes even more sense today.
Imagine the revenues governments are giving up to criminal organizations, which use them to fund other more harmful operations. Governments would get sales taxes on marijuana seeds and industrial growing equipment (for farmers) and buds (for consumers), as well as income taxes from farmers and anyone else who stands to profit from the new arrangement.
In 2004, 4.5 million Canadians admitted to having used marijuana, and about 600,000 have criminal records due to possession. Do we really want all these people to be criminals? Two-third of Canadians want simple possession decriminalized or made legal.
It costs $50,000 to keep one person in prison for a year and each year the Canadian government spends a staggering $500 million on enforcing marijuana laws.
Enough with the games. The War on Drugs has failed. Prisons do not work as deterrents, and they cost us millions to maintain - billions if you count lost tax revenue. Do we continue to punish people for a victimless crime, or do we recognize the facts and work to promote a brighter, freer future for Canada?
Mike Evans, Toronto ("Editorials", TORONTO STAR, Tuesday, March 17, 2009 -

Getting a Republican candidate with an authentic libertarian world-view, and tested in executive office for eight years, is vital for 2012. Gary Johnson is a limited government constitutionalist who believes in sound money, freedom, the repeal of prohibition, an end to empire, and an end to the security-surveillance state.

To The Repeal of Prohibition in 2009!

Marc Scott Emery

P.S. My Extradition Hearing in BC Supreme Court has been rescheduled to June 1-5, 2009. Please go to for more information and ways to help keep Marc in Canada.

P.P.S. Get the documentary "Prince of Pot: US vs. Marc Emery" on DVD for only $14.99! It's finally been released and is ready to ship, so go to or see the ad on page 8s.

Painting by Texas pot prisoner James "Jimmy Rasta" Moore, ("Letter from the Editor", CANNABIS CULTURE, Issue 73, Jan.Feb 09 -

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