Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama idzie na wojne

w Meksyku

Amerykanski prezydent Obama rozpoczal wojne z narkotykami w Meksyku. Probuje ostra taktyke. Tysiace policjantow, sluzby, wojsko (40 tys. wojska przeciwko wlasnemu narodowi).

Byly prezydent Meksyku, pan Fox, napomknal niegdys o legalizacji narkotykow w Meksyku, to teraz ukrywa sie w norze przed agentami KGB-DEA. A Amerykanie zagrozili wyslaniem czolgow na granice z Meksykiem i zablokowanie jej totalnie. Zreszta, tak jak byly premier Kanady, pan Chretien, ksyfka: "Krzywousty Kretacz", ktory tez planowal "dekryminalizacje". Amerykanie nie straszyli Kanadyjczykow czolgami, ale takimi utrudnieniami w handlu pomiedzy tymi dwoma krajami, ze w rezultacie Kanada by zbankrutowala. Ruscy maja swoje rury bojowe, ktorymi strasza sasiadow, a Amerykanie bicze konopne. Na jedno wychodzi, mentalnosc barbarzynska ta sama.

Teraz dwoch prezydentow, jeden z polnocy, z korona na glowie i przeto zwanym premierem, i drugi z poludnia, chytrym liskiem zwany, bo pod amerykanskim nazwiskiem sie skrywa, ukrywaja sie przed amerykanskimi sluzbami. Legalizacji ziolka im sie zachcialo, cholera.

Przeciez jakby Meksyk wtedy za Foxa zlegalizowal narkotyki, to nie mialby wojny domowej teraz. A ta wojna z narkotykami to wojna powazna, nie tak jak te Mickey Mouse wojny z terrorystami w Afganistanie i Iraku. Dla porownania, w wojnie w Afganistanie przez ostatnie 7 lat zginelo 116 Kanadyjczykow, na wojnie z narkotykami w Meksyku w zeszlym roku i tylko w stolicy kraju zginelo 2000 Meksykanow.

Jak taktyka meksykanska bedzie pracowac, to pozniej Amerykanie wykorzystaja ja przeciwko Kalifornii, ktora zalegalizuje maryske wczesniej czy pozniej. Jesli bedzie chciala realizowac demokracje definiowana jako wola wiekszosci. Ponad 50% Kalifornijczykow jest za legalizacja marihuany, podobnie zreszta jak i w Kanadzie. Tylko skorumpowana, talibansko-fanatyczna mniejszosc jest przeciwko. Wiadomo, ze uzyja przemocy aby spoleczenstwo spacyfikowac. Co zreszta juz robia. Rozbijanie politycznego ruchu antyprohibicyjnego przez globalistyczna KGB-DEA na swiecie sie odbywa. W Kanadzie robi to by proxy RCMP. Policja federalna, ktora kompromituje kanadyjska suwerennosc i chodzi na smyczy amerykanskiego DEA.

05:25 Hrs. Po sniadaniu lykam pigulke COLD-fx (

05:28 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Newsweek" (

Spoleczenstwa, ktore w swej wiekszosci jest nieustraszone, gdy chodzi o prowadzenie samochodow przez pijanych krewnych, ale gdy chodzi o substancje opatrzone etykietka "dopalacze", odczuwa gleboki i nie calkiem bezzasadny lek przed nieznanym (Piotr Bratkowski", "Prawo do odlotu", NEWSWEEK, 25.01.2009).

05:55 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO, jak mnie Bog stworzyl + lancuch rycerski na szyi + krzyz Zakonu Jezusa Chrystusa na piersi + wisiorek na przegubie dloni + okulary. 87 kg.

06:41 Hrs. Wiec choc pomaluj moj swiat na zolto i na niebiesko. Niech na niebie stanie tecza malowana twoja kreska - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze chlodno. 3-stopniowo. 76 krokow do samochodu. Jeden ptak wyspiewuje. W dzienniku: Antyrzadowe demonstracje w Minsku. Wypadki w Polsce z powodu powrotu zimy. Snieg, lekki mroz. W Tatrach 3.5m. sniegu.
ESSO, Shell, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.87.6.

Czestuje sie gazetami ze skrzynek: "24 hours" z "Police probe fatal fire in Weston" na okladce + "Metro" ( z "Targeting tickets. Legislation to be introduced to deal with resale website" na okladce.

16:23 Hrs. BBC WORLD NEWS ( pokazuje obrazki z Zagania w Polsce. Powrot brytyjskiego jenca wojennego (POW) , pana Frank Stone, do tego obozu niemieckiego. To tam 65 lat temu odbyla sie "Wielka Ucieczka" wiezniow wojennych.

19:07 Hrs. Zmylem naczynia po obiedzie. Wzialem tabletki. Zapilem PC DIET GINGER ALE. Wyjrzalem przez okno. Pada. Silent Partners wykonuja wspanialy utwor instrumentalny pt. "Two Steps from the Blues" na BLUES 727. Rozpoczynam 2 godzinna lekturke poobiedna na sofie. Dzisiejszy "The Globe and Mail" ( z "Obama rallies nation behind his plan" na okladce + "National Post" ( z "First the Danes, now the French lay claim to Canadian resources" na okladce.

Gazety dosc obszerne. "The Globe and Mail" sklada sie z 6 sekcji, a "National Post" z 4 sekcji. Tez zywe w informacje. Udalo mi sie wyluskac 5 wycinkow z "The Globe and Mail" i 6 wycinkow z "National Post".

4 ruski gieroj
spowiada sie, ze narobil ze strachu w pory przed Dziekanskim, ktory chwycil sie spinacza do papieru. Kapral Benjamin Monty Robinson z RCMP. Ten zasrany bohater to nawet wczesniej zostal odznaczony za dzielnosc i odwage, bo zaaresztowal chuligana z siekiera w reku. Przed spinaczem w reku Polaka zestral sie w spodnie, mowi.

RCMP Corporal Benjamin Monty Robinson, who once won a provincial bravery award for helping arrest a man armed with an axe and a bat, yesterday told the inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski he felt threatened by the Polish immigrant's menacing behaviour with a stapler(Ian Bailey, "Mountie tells probe he felt threatened by stapler", THE GLOBE AND MAIL, Wednesday, March 25, 2009).

The shoe is on the other foot
The head of the RCMP suggests that we "walk a mile" in officers' shoes so that we can learn about the challenges they regularly face (Don't Rush To Judge Officers Who Use Tasers: RCMP Chief - March 23). I worked for years as a parish priest in downtown Toronto, where I often dealt with people suffering from addictions or mental-health problems.
One Saturday evening, I was alone in the church building, about to lock up. I found a man still in the building who became increasingly angry as I asked him to leave. Picking up a heavy brass candlestick, he brandished it, screamed abuse at me and approached me.
Having no RCMP training and no weapons of any sort, all I could do is back away and resort to calm speech, reassuring gestures and a quick prayer for safety. After what seemed an eternity, though was only about five minutes, he calmed down and left.
Pehaps the RCMP might wish to walk a mile in my shoes. They might lern something.
Kevin Flynn, Ottawa ("Letters to the Editor", THE GLOBE AND MAIL, wEDNESDAY, mARCH 25, 2009).


Ostatni ranking Amnesty International panstw barbarzynskich stosujacych jeszcze egzekucje wiezniow, wymienia pierwszych siedem w takiej kolejnosci:
1. Chiny (1,718 egzekucji)
2. Iran (346 egzekucji)
3. Arabia Saudyjska (102 egzekucje)
4. U.S.A. (37 egzekucji)
5. Pakistan (36 egzekucji)
6. Irak (34 egzekucje)
7. Wietnam (19 egzekucji) ("Executions", NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, March 25, 2009).

Wycinki z marihuana

Mr. Selby said initial tests on the substance, a sample of which was given to police by one of the dog owners, indicated tha baked goods were injected with a glycol-based substance like antifreeze or windshield washer fluid.
Subsequent tests, however, showed the cannabis could have played a factor, he said ("Baking was laced with antifreeze or cannabis, tests show", THE GLOBE AND MAIL, Wednesday, March 25, 2009).

Nine people have been arrested in connection with an international drug ring that relied on helicopters to leap across the 49th parallel, taking B.C. marijuana to remote sites in the northwestern United States and bringing cocaine and cash back to Canada.
Authorities seized two helicopters, around 300 kilograms of marijuana known as B.C. Bud, 83 kg of cocaine and 40,000 ecstasy pills during a cross-border investigation dubbed Operation Blade Runner. Police estimated the street value of the drugs at more than $14-million (Robert Matas, "Blade Runner gets the drop on drug smugglers. Eight Canadians, one American arrested in cross-border operation to seize helicopters used to ferry B.C. marijuana to trade for cocaine", THE GLOBE AND MAIL, Wednesday, March 25, 2009).

Toronto The federal government has successfully seized the modest semi-detached Toronto home of a 60-year-old labourer convicted of operating a medium-sized marijuana grow operation in the family residence. Tam Ngoc Tran was also sentenced to 10 months in jail by provincial court Justice Kathleen Caldwell yesterday. "Forfeiture has no practical bearing on the sentence," the judge stated. The home in the Jane and Finch section of Toronto was assessed at $275,000 in 2007 and is co-owned by Mr. Tran and his former wife. The judge suggested the former wife, who was not convicted of any offence, should go to court if she wants to try to stop the forfeiture of the house. It is believed to be the second home ever seized by federal prosecutors in Toronto in the nearly 10 years since forfeiture powers aimed at reducing organized crime became law in Canada. "Growers beware," warned Crown attorney Dave Rowcliffe, who wanted a 12-month jail term for Mr. Tran, who has heart problems and no prior criminal record. Shannon Kari, National Post (NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, March 25, 2009).

On March 13, Canada Border Services Agency officers discovered marijuana and hashish, tightly wrapped in cellophane and crammed into eight duffel bags ("Drugs worth close to $8-million seized at Toronto's Pearson Airport", NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, March 25, 2009).

Hundreds of federal agents, along with high-tech surveillance gear and drug-sniffing dogs, are headed to the U.S. Southwest to help Mexico fight drug cartels and keep violence from spilling across the Mexican border, Obama administration officials said yesterday (Devlin Barrett and Eileen Sullivan, "Drug Violence. U.S. sends 500 agents to Mexican border", THE GLOBE AND MAIL, Wednesday, March 25, 2009).

These efforts have yielded significant results. In the past two years, the government has seized over 70 tons of cocaine and 31,000 weapons. It also has arrested more than 58,000 people, including several kingpins. These advances have come with a steep human and financial cost for Mexico (Francisco Barrio Terrazas, "Keep Mexico's violence in perspective", NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, March 25, 2009).

Just examine the sacred anthem adopted by the peace movement - Lennon's song Imagine - applying basic facts of history and human nature (and a dollop of antidotal cynicism to cut through the cloying self-righteousness) - to see the banality and vacuity at pacifism's core.
Imagine there's no countries/It isn't hard to do.
That is hard for democratic realists. It isn't, though, for ideological triumphalists, who "imagine" a borderless world. Jihadists, for example, predict that nation-states will be replaced by umma - one world under Islam (Barbara Kay, "John and Yoko's peace scam", NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, March 25, 2009).

"I like in the pope the light that he have in the eyes" - GIANNI GIANSANTI (osobisty fotograf papieza Jana Pawla II).

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