Thursday, November 28, 2024


WZ.34. Obiekt moich studiow, poznania, doswiadczania i teningu. Fascynacja takim cackiem moze byc zarazliwa. *** "Najdoskonalsza szabla swiata jest wz. 1934" - MARCIN ZMUDZKI h. Kusza. ***
One of the curious features of the Rzeczpospolita was its elective monarchy. The szlachta had the right to assemble at the sejm and pick their monarch. The results of the election could be (and in the 17th century often were) contested. Tremendous power was left in the hands of the plentiful nobility, ensuring what they called their "Golden Freedoms". Furthermore, the nobles could routinely stifle the power of the king through the sejm. The policy of the sejm was that of Nihil Novi, meaning "Nothing New", and this was used to keep the monarch weak. In particular, the king's army was prevented from becoming too large, and the most powerful nobles were given the right to raise their own troops. Nowhere else in Europe did such a large percentage of the population have such power over its ruler. A single voice of dissent could halt a sejm and was known as Liberum Veto. When votes were taken, it was unanimous approval or nothing. The nobles were not required to perform military duty for the king, and it was up to each individual to determine when and how they became ionvolved in politics and national defence. The most powerful magnates ruled their estates freely, while the less prosperous szlachta were indebted to such individuals rather than to the king (Richard Marsden, "Polish Saber: The use of the Polish Saber on foot in the 17th century").

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