Tuesday, November 08, 2022


USA! Wygrala Ameryka. Amerykanska demokracja. Amerykanska cywilizacja. Pokazala wszystkim tyranom na swiecie, pod przewodnictwem najwiekszego tyrana Putina, srodkowy palec. *** What happened last weekend to Russia's Black Sea fleet shows that expendable drones will pose a significant threat to "multi-million dollar ships," said researcher Tayfun Ozberk on the Naval News website. "In future conflicts ... drone swarms will be a major problem for large combat ships," he wrote. Sutton said military experts are already accepting the marine-drone trend as "inevitable and obvious" but he gave credit to Ukraine for actually putting the idea into action. "The reality is that very few people thought of that, navies didn't think of that." He said such autonomous kamikaze boats have a number of advantages, including the fact they don't risk the life of a human operator and are "incredibly cheap" compared to most military equipment (Tom Blackwell, "Canada's Sea-Doo powered Ukraine's marine attack: analyst. Military experts say attack heralds new era of marine combat", NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, November 2, 2022). *** Wiekszosc z nas uzywa nazwy Kaliningrad, jednak moim zdaniem poprawna nazwa jest Krolewiec. Nazwa Kaliningrad zostala utworzona w 1946 roku dla uczczenia pamieci Michaila Kalinina, ktory formalnie byl przywodca panstwa sowieckiego. Ponosil wiec wspolodpowiedzialnosc za zbrodnie ZSRS, m.in. w Ostaszkowie, Starobielsku i Kozielsku. Uzywajac nazwy "Kaliningrad", czcimy tego czlowieka. Tymczasem mamy historyczna, polska nazwe - Krolewiec. Jest ona dopuszczona do uzytku przez Komisje Standaryzacji Nazw Geograficznych poza Granicami RP. Nazwa Krolewiec swiadczy tez o dlugich, historycznych i bardzo mocnych zwiazkach naszego narodu z tym miastem. Argumentem, ktory czesto jest podnoszony przy okazji uzywania nazwy Kaliningrad, jest fakt, ze to oficjalna nazwa, a miasto nazywalo sie Konigsberg, a mimo to nasi przodkowie nazywali je Krolewcem. Warto wiec upowszechniac te nazwe (Kmdr dr hab. Dariusz Bugajski, "Demilitaryzacja Krolewca lezy w interesie Polski", GAZETA POLSKA, 5 lipca 2022). Tracey Wilson, spokesperson for the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights, said handgun sports account for about 40,000 jobs across Canada, including employees of around 4,800 small businesses. "The Liberals have failed to show how decimating their family businesses will reduce street crime and every credible expert witness at SECU (Commons committee) agrees," she said. "Canadians have owned handguns safely and without issue since before Confederation, the focus should be on reducing actual crime, violence and gun smuggling." Cox said many smaller shops are sure to go out of business, while the larger ones struggle to stay afloat (Bryan Passifiume, "PM's plan to 'freeze' handgun sales triggers buying frenzy. Most seized guns were never legal in Canada", NATIONAL POST, Tuesday, November 1, 2022).

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