Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day

People! Ale sie wywalentynkowalismy z Wiesia. Ja jej kwiatki i slodkosci, ona misiem i kartka walentynkowa sie odwdzieczyla. Byly tance przy disco polo. Byla zabawa. Oj dzialo sie dzialo. Nawet Kowid na Walentynki odpuscil. W Ontario wpadlo w sieci tylko 981 Kowidow. W chwilach wolnych od zabawy studiowalem zagadki wywiadu. Ciekawostka na przyklad jest to ze Austriacki SS-man z korzeniami polskimi Otto Skorzeny byl po II wojnie swiatowej agentem Mosadu. Czy ze ulubionym pistoletem dla skrytobojcow agentow Mosadu byl Berreta Model 71. * * * Because of the considerable distance involved, the only way to transfer high-value al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists from Bagram would be by air. CTIC already had its own aircrft, and its senior officer at the meeting said there would be no problem in arranging overflying and refueling rights in countries like Britain, Germany, and Spain. The Polish officers identified airfields within the old Warsaw Pact that could be used as stopovers; the air base at Tazar in south central Hungary, the Szczytno-Szymany air base in Poland, and the Markuleshti airfield in Moldova. During the cold war they all been used for secret operations by Warsaw Pact Special Forces. Interrogations had also been conducted there by the KGB. The operational plans sufficiently advanced, it was time for them to be politically rubber-stamped. Scarlett informed Prime Minister Rony Blair, and Tenet briefed President Bush. Both quickly endorsed them. Recognizing that Poland would have an important role to play as the refueling point for all flights going to Uzbekistan - selected by CTIC to be the prime interrogation center for the terrorists - it was essential to get the support of Leszek Miller, the country's soon to be ousted prime minister, who had staunchly supported the war on Iraq. He immediately agreed to allow the Szczytno-Szymany base to be used as CTIC's prime refueling point in Eastern Europe and would inform his cabinet colleagues of his decision. A London intelligence source told the author: "Miller may well have not known the ultimate fate of those who would be secretly flown in and out of his country. But he was also desperately wanting to remain a player in the post-Iraq war coalition" (Gordon Thomas, "Gideon's Spies. The secret history of the Mossad"). * * * Wyglosilem pochwale forum Rasza, na ktore sklada sie kierownictwo Mosadu, ludzie, ktorzy zgromadzili wiele lat doswiadczen, a poniewaz umiejetnosc prowadzenia tajnych operacji to raczej rzecz praktyki niz wysiadywania na uczelnianej lawie, ich laczny bagaz rutyny i kompetencji jest bezcenny. To malomowni twardziele umiejacy skrywac uczucia. Wyrazilem takze uznanie dla forum Warasz - podkreslajac wspolprace pomiedzy wywiadem wojskowym, Szin Bet, i Mosadem - dzieki ktoremu kazda instytucja sluzy swoistymi zdolnosciami, tworzac wartosc dodana, jakiej pojedyncze sluzby nie potrafilyby stworzyc. Na koncu przekazalem wyrazy wsparcia i najlepsze zyczenia pracownikom i agentom operacyjnym Mosadu rozrzuconym po calym swiecie, rowniez w krajach nieprzyjaciela, ludziom, ktorych dzialania gwarantuja bezpieczenstwo narodowi i Panstwu Izrael (Sabataj Szawit, "Bylem szefem Mosadu: Gra o bezpieczny Izrael").

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