Sunday, April 14, 2019


 Swiecona palma wielkanocna
Palmowa (Palm Sunday) w rzesistym deszczu + zimno. SZAWA (Szlachecka Agencja Wywiadowcza) donosi, ze z powodu zlej pogody akcja niespodzianka pod kryptonimem "Jerseyville" zostala odwolana.

Za to Msza sw. byla uroczysta. Kosciol wypelniony po brzegi. Wspomnienie o Katyniu i Smolensku. Palmy zostaly poswiecone. Po Mszy sw. uformowal sie jakis 100-osobowy pochod, ktory ruszyl z notablami politycznymi do Pomnika Katynskiego i Tablicy Smolenskiej. W deszczu, wietrze i zimnie. W domu palemke wsadzilem do flakonu i oficjalnie postawilem marmurowe jajo swiateczne na stole przykrytym bialym obrusem + portretowka, ktora odebralem dzis w salce parafialnej. To fotka jaka bedzie umieszczona w prafialnej ksiedze. Edward gotowy na swieta. Czas pomalu zastawiac stol.

 Jajo, ja i palma wielkanocna

"Wspolczesna demokracja coraz czesciej rezygnuje z przekonywania na rzecz ordynarnego manipulowania i uwarunkowania poprzez wychowanie' - ANDRZEJ KUMOR


14 April

Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

1865 On 11 April, just two days after the South had finally surrendered in the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln addressed a crowd from the balcony of the White House. After promising that there would be no revenge against the defeated Confederates, he expressed hope that some blacks -'very intelligent' men and those who had served in the Union army - would be permitted to vote.
Listening from the lawn below was a sometime actor andSouthern fanatic, John Wilkes Booth. A 23 year old with dark curly hair and a droopy moustache, he had ben a militia volunteer in the troop that had hanged the Abolitionist John Brown in 1859. His hatred of Lincoln and of blacks was visceral. On hearing the President, he exclaimed to a friend, "That means nigger citizenship! Now, by God, I'll put him through!"
Three days later, on Good Friday, Lincoln and his wife Mary went to Ford's Theatre in Washington to enjoy a new play called Out American Cousin. There the President's bodyguard, a bored Washington policeman, went into the alley behind the theatre for drink.
During the third act Booth stepped into the President's unguarded box. Drawing a small Derringer pistol, he shot Lincoln in the back of the head, theatrically crying 'Sic semper tyrannus!' (As always to tyrants! - Brutus's words to Caesar). He then leaped to the stage, but the spur in his boot caught in a decorative flag so that as he landed he fractured his left leg. Despite his injury, he fled from the theatre.
Mortally wounded, America's greatest was carried to a house across the street, where he died without regaining consciousness at 7.22 the following morning. He was 56 years old.
Although Booth had escaped from the theatre, two weeks later Secret Service agents and Federal troops tracked him to a barn inVirginia. They set the barn alight, and as Booth moved from corner to corner in the burning building, one of the soldiers, Boston Corbett, saw him through a crack and opened fire with his Colt revolver, hitting him in the neck. Corbett was later to claim that 'God Almighty directed me.'
Dragged from the barn, Booth lay all night on a nearby farmhouse porch, slowly bleeding to death and sucking a brandy-soaked rag given him by a charitable soldier. At dawn the next day he realised he could no longer move his hands. 'I thought I did it for the best. Useless, useless,' he muttered to one of his guards just before he died. His body was whisked to a nearby federal arsenal and secretly buried under the floor (W.B. Marsh and Bruce Carrick, "365: Your Date with History", ICON BOOKS, Cambridge UK, 2004).

"Wloz miecz na swoje miejsce, bo wszyscy, ktorzy za miecz chwytaja od miecza gina" - JEZUS CHRYSTUS

154 lata temu podreczny aktorzyna + fanatyk i rasista z Poludnia Stanow zastrzelil prezydenta Abrahma Lincolna. Morderaca sam dlugo nie pozyl, bo zostal raniony prawie w to samo miejsce w glowie i wykrwawil sie do smierci. Jaka bronia wojujesz od takiej giniesz.

00:05 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Wolnosc potrzebna jest tylko jako swoboda od przeszkod w dazeniu do czegos poza tym" - TADEUSZ KOTARBINSKI + klementynka.

00:22 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste) + waze sie przed pojsciem do lozka. 73 kg.

01:33 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

02:08 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + puszyste).

03:22 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

06:49 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

09:21 Hrs. Budze sie + lektura tronowa. "wSieci Historii".

09:55 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 71 kg.

09:58 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oliwy z oliwek. CBC radfio podaje temperature w Toronto. 3C. Temperatura na tarasie. 8C + temp. w kuchni. 22C.

10:10 Hrs. Jem kubek 100 g jogurtu.

0:28 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody + lyzeczka miodu KIVOTOS + bulka posmarowana pasztetem.

10:48 Hrs. Biore tabletke 81 mg ASPIRIN.

10:58 Hrs. W kosciele sw. Kazimierza.

"Boze moj, Boze, czemus mnie opuscil?"

12:42 Hrs. Jakies 100 osob ciasno scisnietych wokul Pomnika Katynskiego + ziab, deszcz, slota, parasolki + biale przebisniegi wyrosle na trawniku.

13:50 Hrs. W domu + zmokniety jak kura + obrzydliwa pogoda. Taka barowa.

14:00 Hrs. Biore 2 lyzki stolowe oleju Hemp Seed Oil. Na dworze wiatr, deszcz i smuta. Temperatura na tarasie. 8C + temp. w kuchni. 18C.

15:25 Hrs. Biore kapsulke RAN-RAMIPRIL 2.5MG + 1/2 tabletki SANDOZ-BISOPROLOL 5MG.

15:40 Hrs. Jem miseczke zupy grzybowej.

16:09 Hrs. Pije mala kawe czarna + muffin.

18:00 Hrs. Jem slodka krowke.

18:53 Hrs. Jem gotowanego kalafiora.

20:20 Hrs. Koncze ogladanie filmu komedii pt. "Wojna polsko-ruska". Za oknem burza. Deszcz, gromy i blyskawice.

20:41 Hrs. Pije szklanke herbaty owocowej + 2 ciasteczka.

22;12 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

22:22 Hrs. Jem nalesnika z serem.

22:47 Hrs. Jem miseczke budyniu o smaku waniliowym + kapsulka 200 mg Coenzym Q10 + tabletka 99 mg Potssium Citrate + kapsulka 100 mg EasyMag Magnesium Bisglycinate.

23:35 Hrs. Pije szklanke kawy zborzowej + mini-muffin + kapsulka 25 mg Zinc Picolinate + zelatynka 1000 mg oliwy z ryb OMEGA 3.

23:52 Hrs. 2-ga szklanka wody + czekladka FERRERO ROCHER.

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