Na zdrowie! W Polsce juz nielegalny. |
Po zjedzeniu 2 golabkow zrobilem sobie spacerek smolenski. Przeszedlem sie Roncezwolka wzdloz do Pomnika Katynskiego + Plyty Smolenskiej (+ modlitwa i Tajemnice bolesne) i z powrotem. O dziwo, wyszlo slonce, choc wracajac juz zaczelo kropic z nieba. W Benna's kupilem ptysia. Lizanie ptysia na lawce naprzeciw sklepu + w sloncu, to niesamowite wrazenie smakowo estetyczne. Buczace jak bak miasto w pelni, ptaki cwierkocza, slodycz w ustach, podsluchane rozmowy Polakow, piekne nogi kobiet, dzwonki jak liszki wygladajacych tramwajow.
Zdobyczami 3-godzinnego i 47-minutowego spacerku (16:13-20:00) sa:
1. Program kina REVUE CINEMA z "Screening great films from 1919 to 2019" na okladce.
2. Magazyn pro-zdrowotny "Eternity Watch" z "The Pregnancy Issue PLUS FOCUS Awesome Vegan Recipes" na okladce.
3. Magazyn religijny "The Philadelphia Trumpet" z "Climate change, transgenders, and the war on reality" na okladce.
4. Wypozyczony film w bibliotece High Park na Roncezwolce pt. "Stara Basn: Kiedy slonce bylo Bogiem" ("The Old Fairy Tale: When the sun was God").
THE OLD FAIRY TALE: WHEN THE SUN WAS GOD takes place in ninth-century Europe,
when different Slavic tribes lived on the land that would become Poland, and each tribe
worshipped its own, separate god.
A cruel prince, Popiel, and his scheming wife will do anything in their power to ensure that
of this land passes to their son.
The commander of Popiel's army, Piastun, is opposed to the crimes and intrigue that Popiel
orders him to use on the people to ensure the succession. Piastun decides to leave Popiel,
who wants revenge, but Piastun is rescued by Ziemowit Pastowic, a younge hunter and
Ziemowit had spent years living with the Vikings, and only recently had returned to his
homeland. He falls in love with Dziwa, the daughter of a wealthy local marchant, and
wants to marry her. But, Dziwa's fate has already been decided by her father - to become
a priestess in the temple.
Don't miss this wonderful retelling of one of Poland's most famous legends!
5. Magazyn "O czym lekarze ci nie powiedza". Na okladce:
* Twoje zdrowie w Twoich rekach.
* Licencja brytyjska WHAT DOCTORS DON'T TELL YOU.
* Fototerapia zamiast korekcji wzroku?
* Rak dzieciecy zabija po latach.
* Mozg zatruty cukrem.
* Stwardnienie rozsiane bez lekow.
* Neurony w kleszczach boreliozy.
* Uwolnij sie od migren.
* 6 krokow oczyszczania organizmu.
* Jak sobie poradzic... - prochnica - bezsennoscia.
6. Wypozyczona ksiazka w High Park bibliotece pt. "Dlugie ramie Moskwy: Wywiad wojskowy Polski Ludowej 1943-1991" Slawomira Cenckiewicza.
A few hundred mostly young people jointly ate bananas outside Warsaw's top national gallery on Monday to protest what they called censorship, after authorities removed artwork there featuring the fruit, saying it was improper. The protest was called by artists and opposition politicians as part of their action on Facebook and Twitter of posting photos of themselves eating bananas in order to ridicule the ban. The 1973 video Consumer Art, by Natalia LL, showing a young woman eating a banana with pleasure, was removed from the National Museum in Warsaw last week after the new museum head, Jerzy Miziolek, was summoned to the Ministry of Culture. On Monday, Miziolek announced that the works would be reinstated, but only until May 6, when the whole modern art gallery is due for reorgaznization. The Associated Press (NATIONAL POST, Tuesday, April 30, 2019).
01:28 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + waze sie przed pojsciem do lozka. 72 kg.
02:49 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).
04:56 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).
06:53 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).
08:37 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).
09:39 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).
11:50 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste) + wstaje.
11:55 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Miej oczy szeroko otwarte przed malzenstwem, ale przymknij je po slubie" - BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Temperatura na tarasioe 11C + temp. w kuchni. 22C.
11:58 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oliwy z oliwek na pusty zoladek.
12:00 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Road to recovery will be very long. Role on Canadian Forces may be expanded to cope with disasters, says Minister" i "Was beluga whale a spy for Russian navy?" na okladce. CBC radio podaje temperatura w Toronto. 6C.
12:16 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Polityka".
12:54 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 69 kg.
13:05 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody + luzeczka miodu KIVOTOS + 1/2 cytryny. CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto. 7C.
13:15 Hrs. 2-ga szklanka wody + lyzeczka miodu KIVOTOS + 1/2 cytryna + 2 daktyle + kapsulka RAN-RAMIPRIL 2.5MG + 1/2 tabletki SANDOZ-BISOPROLOL 5MG.
13:23 Hrs. Jem banana.
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