Sunday, April 07, 2019

Akcja "maska

Thomas Cook
skazanca" (Woodstock's death mask) trwala 11 godzin i 59 minut (09:22-21:21). Miejscowosc Woodstock, On. 140 kilometrow od domu. W sumie w dwie strony kierowca podal 287.1 kilometrow zrobilismy. SZAWA (Szlachecka Agencja Wywiadowcza) doniosla o niezwyklej mocy maski skaznca w wiezieniu w Woodstock. Trzeba poglaskac maske po brodzie pana Thomas'a Cook, ktory zostal w 1862 roku powieszony, ale tak niefortunnie, ze z powodu zbyt dlugiego sznura na szubiennicy spadajace cialo swoja moca oderwalo skazancowi glowe. Czyli bylo to powieszenie z gilotyna pomieszane. Z okazji tego wypadku przy pracy ktos wyrzezbil maske skazanca i umiescil przy glownym wejsciu do wiezienia. Piekna historia + wspaniala wyprawa do tego magicznego z elementem horroru miasteczka. Witamy w Woodstock!

Byle wiezienie w Woodstock, Ontario
Dotykam brode maski skazanca

Zdobycza z wyprawy jest ksiazka Rodney Dennys pt. "Heraldry & the heralds" nabyta na stoisku konferencji w Oxford Audytorium. Po spotkaniu zwiedzilem to mile miasteczko + odwiedzilem przyjaciela z Ustki, polonijnego artyste pana Wojciecha Strahla. Przy ogladaniu prac Mistrza + wspominaniu starych kombatanckich czasow, czas zlecial jak z bicza strzelil. Wrocilem w nocy + przed deszczem.

Wojciech Strahl + Edward Kuciak

Woodstock, Ont. City, seat of Oxford County, pop 26 386 (1986c), 26 183 (1981c), inc as a city 1901, located on the Thames R, in the heart of SW Ontario. In 1792 Sir John Graves Simcoe, impressed with the elevated terrain, designated the are as a potential townsite. The first settler, Zacharias Burtch, arrived in 1800, but a townsite was not surveyed until 1833 and 1834. A number of Sutherlandshire Scots arrived in 1830, followed by a group of retired army and navy officers from England. In 1834 British Adm Henry Vansittart, who had provided 700 acres in the area, arrived and named the village in honour of Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England, where he had been educated. It became seat of Oxford County in 1839. The census of 1851 placed the population at 2122 and Woodstock was officially proclaimed a town. A major point in development came in 1853, with the arrival of the Great Western Ry; rail connection to Toronto came in 1880. Located in the heart of a rich farming area, the town was a milling centre in its early hears. Industries included rope, woollens, barrels, soap, candles, harnesses, carriages, furniture and organs. The Woodstock Iron Works were established in 1842. Standard Tube, still in operation, was established in 1905; it was the site of Canada's first electrical resistance welded tubing. The industrial variety, which prompted the town to dub itself the "Industrial City," has continued to include batteries, electric generators, hosiery, fire engines, reed organs, auto parts, etc. The yellow-brick town hall (built 1851-52) is a national historic site and houses a museum. DANIEL PRANCIS (THE CANADIAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, Hurtig Publishers, Edmonton 1988).

 Ron Brown, "Top 150 Unusual Things to see in Ontario"


The Hanging of Thomas Cook

PERHAPS IT IS because their stories are sordid or gruesome that Ontario's heritage jails are among the province's least appreciated heritage buildings. From the time Upper Canada governor John Graves Simcoe created Ontario's first four administrative districts, courthouses and their requisite jail began to make their appearance. No town could become a district capital without these buildings.
By 1850, Ontario had evolved into a system of counties. As in the case of Simcoe's districts, each county town - the county's administrative capital - needed to build a courthouse, a registry office and a jail before it could receive the coveted designation. In 1849, the County of Oxford was carved out of the earlier District of London, and Woodstock became its administrative centre. Here a magnificent courthouse was erected and, behind it, and equally stunning jail. Built of yellow brick in an Italinanate style, the jail consisted of an octagonal central guard tower from which for long cellblocks radiated.
The first of five felons to be executed in the county jail was Thomas Cook, who in 1862 was convicted for beating his wife to death. It would turn out to be a most blood hanging.
The duty of an executioner is to ensure that the length of the fateful rope is consistent with the weight of the condemned prisoner. Should the rope be too short for the convict's weight, the unfortunate person would simply dangle until he strangled to death. However, should the rope be too long and the convict too portly, the felon would plung though the trap, gaining speed until, at the end of the rope, the excessive weight would keep the torso going while the head remained tight in the noose. In such cases public spectators were treated to a grisly decapitation. That is the fate that befell the unfortunate Cook.
For reasons that remain unknown - perhaps to prevent a similar occurrence - Cook's likeness has been sculpted into the arch that marks the entrance to the jail. It is Woodstock's death mask.
In 1977, the jail was closed and slated for demolition. However, a spirited fundraising drive by the town's heritage-conscious citizens saved the building, and it now serves as a local health office. And Cook's gaze continues to greet its visitors. The former county jail lies on Buller Street, two blocks north of the main street (Ron Brown, "Top 150 unusual things to see in Ontario", A BOSTON MILLS PRESS BOOK, 2016).

"Pan Bog uczynil wielkie rzeczy dla nas."

The Holy Cross, Woodstock, On

00:56 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

02:29 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

04:50 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

07:35 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + wstaje.

07:39 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Jest to szalenstwem i glupota zyc jak zebrak, aby umrzec bogatym czlowiekiem" - DECIMUS JUNIUS JUVENALIS

07:42 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oliwy z oliwek na pusty zoladek.

07:45 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Do Rzeczy".

"Organizacja tej konferencji nie byla w interesie Polski. Nie dlatego, ze Bliski Wschod nas nie dotyczy, ale dlatego, ze nie jestesmy strona w konflikcie miedzy Izraelem i Arabia Saudyjska z jednej strony a Iranem z drugiej. Co wiecej, z Iranem laczyly nas zawsze dobre relacje i trudno bylo znalezc jakies wrogie wypowiedzi czy dzialania tego kraju wobec Polski" - WITOLD REPETOWICZ

Klepanie po plecach wychodzi Amerykanom niezle. Mosbacher tez co chwila deklaruje z usmiechem od ucha do ucha, ze kocha Polske, i robi odniesienia do historii naszego kraju. A potem ambasada USA w Polsce dopuszcza do tego, by sekretarz stanu wychwalal na naszej ziemi stalinowskiego zbrodniarza. To, ze pierwszego dnia swego pobytu w Polsce w zwiazku z konferencja bliskowschodnia Mike Pompeo ni stad, ni zowad wspomnial o Franku Blajchmanie, uznajac go za symbol polskich cnot, o ktorych mowil Trump na placu Krasinskich, nie bylo zadna wpadka. Trudno bowiem zakladac, ze Pompeo sam sobie napisal przemowienie i nikt (w tym w szczegolnosci personel ambasady USA w Polsce) nie sprawedzil, ze Blajchman byl ubeckim oprawca...
Donad Trump mial aracje, gdy mowil w 2017 r. o przyjazni laczacej USA i Polske. Mial tez racje, gdy wspomnial o niezlomnym duchu naszego narodu i o tym, ze nigdy nie utracilismy naszej dumy. Dlatego USA powinny przemyslec to, jak t4raktuja Polske, bo jest to prosta doroga do zniszczenia tej przyjazni. Nastroje antyamerykanskie zaczynaja dzis kielkowac nawet wsrod osob, ktore zawsze byly bardzo proamerykanskie. Jesli zatem USA nie zaczna nas traktowac po partnersku, jak sojusznika, a nie jak stalicka marionetke, a ambasador USA nie zrozumie, ze nie jest namiestnikiem kolonii amerykanskiej, to predzej czy poznniej Polacy przestna kochac Ameryke (Witold Repetowicz, "Grozba antyamerykanizmu. Niedawny szczyt bliskowschodni w Warszawie przyniosl niespodziewany i niepozadany przez polskie wladze efekt: wscieklosc znacznej czesci polskiej opinii publicznej na Amerykanow", DO RZECZY, 25 II - 3 III 2019).

08:20 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 71 kg.

08:29 Hrs. Jem kubek 100 g jogurtu + tabletka 81 mg APIRIN.

09:02 Hrs. Pije szklanke herbaty owocowej  slodzonej lyzeczka miodu KIVOTOS + 2 suszone figi.

09:22 Hrs. Glos klaksonu + podjechal samochod + wsiadam + ruszamy.

10:27 Hrs. Jem muffina na przystanku ONROUTE Cambridge + siusiu (slomkowe).

12:39 Hrs. Koniec imprezy w Oxford Audytorium + siusiu (zoltawe).

13:55 Hrs. W pizzerii pizza pizza czekam na zamowiona sredniej wielkosci pizze hawajska + 20 skrzydelek kurczaka z gryla + 2 puszki Coca-Cola na wynos. Szykuje sie party u Mistrza.

14:31 Hrs. Fotka krzyza przed polskim kosciolem w Woodstock.

17:46 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

19:23 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

19:32 Hrs. Ruszamy z Woodstock do Toronto. Na liczniku juz nabite 146 kilometrow.

21:21 Hrs. W domu + zaczal kropic deszcz. Na liczniku 287.1 km. Temperatura na tarasie. 12C + temp. w kuchni. 18C.

21:40 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

22:33 Hrs. Pije szklanke wody.

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