Saturday, April 28, 2018

Ponuro i

deszczowo i nie chce sie ubierac i wychodzic z domu. Lekturka w lozku daje mi najwiecej satysfakcji. A dzis przeciez wazna rocznica we Wloszech. 28 kwietnia 1945 roku komunisci dokonali linczu na Musolinim i jego kochance.

28 April

Mussolini is lynched with his mistress

1945 Caught like a rat and dispatched like one. This is the fate that befell Benito Mussolini this afternoon not far from Lake Como. He was pushed out of an automobile by Communist partisans and shot to death at the side of the road. It is ironic that the man who brought on the downfall of Italy by joining it to the Axis cause in the Second World War should die on a road named Via XXIV Maggio to honour the date in 1915 (24 May) when Italy joined the Allies in the First World War.

Gunned down by his side was his mistress Claretta Petacci. Executed nearby were fifteen members of his fascist government fleeing with their Duce to Switzerland ahead of the Allied advance and anti-fascist resistance. When the partisans stopped the column the day before, they had discovered Mussolini disguised in Luftwaffe overcoat and helmet. After the shootings, the corpses were trucked to Milan. There in the Piazzale Loreto, the site of a fascist massacre of resistance fighters the year before, the bodies were strung up by their heels at a gas station and displayed the next day to a jeering mob. Someone tied Claretta's skirt around her legs to preserve modesty. It was a fittingly shabby end for the man whom A.J.P. Taylor described as 'a vain, blundering boaster without either ideas or aims'.
Mussolini's father named him Benito after the Mexican revolutionary Benito Juarez with whom the elder Mussolini shared an antipathy for Habsburg rule. Benito Mussolini electrified Italy and the world in 1922 with the march on Rome, a propaganda event that bluffed a timid King Victor Emmanuel III into making him Prime Minister. Mussolini was fascist dictator of Italy for the next 21 years, at one point simultaneously holding the offices of Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of War, Minister of the Navy, Minister of Aviation and Minister of the Interior. He dazzled his countrymen with dreams of empire in Ethiopia and Albania. In foreign policy there were other courses available, but he chose the fatal alliance with Hitler. The realities of war proved his, and Italy's, undoing.
On 25 July 1943, as Sicily fell to the Allies, a majority of the Fascist Grand Council, one that included his son-in-law Galeazza Ciano the Foreign Minister, voted to deprive Mussolini of supreme military command. The King, now determined to save his country by suing for peace the Allies, dismissed Mussolini as Prime Minister and ordered him from Rome to confinement on the island of Ponza. There he was the object of a daring rescue by SS paratroopers acting on Hitler's orders. He was flown first to safety in Germany, where news of his survival was broadcast to the world. Then Hitler returned him to Italy, to the town of Salvo on Lake Garda, where he was installed as leader of a puppet regime under German protection, intended to maintain fascist control of northern Italy. But in the spring of 1945, with defeat now inevitable, Mussolini and his followers began to pack.
Whatever else he may have been, the Duce was a family man: an Italian historian calculated that by the year 1943 over 300 relatives of Mussolini or his wife Rachele were receiving government handouts. But even family feeling could not save his son-in-law whom he sent, with others similarly guilty, before a firing squad in January 1944 for the 'treachery' of his vote the previous year.
The Duce died just two days ahead of his partner in crime Adolf Hitler, who, similarly accompanied in death by a mistress (whom he actually married a couple days before), committed suicide in Berlin on 30 April (W.B. Marsh and Bruce Carrick, "365 Your Date with History", ICON BOOKS, Cambridge, UK 2004).

"Pilnowalo tego dziecka stu policjantow" - WOJCIECH CEJROWSKI


Do obiadu w szlafroku, po obiedzie w pizamie. Sen i lektura + wysluchanie pana Jerzego Zieby i rozmowa na Skype z HH. I nastepny dzien zlecial bezpowrotnie.

00:05 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Kanonizacja Jana Pawla II w 2014 r."

00:16 Hrs. Jem banana.

00:52 Hrs. Wrzucam na Facebooka + Twittera petycje: "POTUS Donald Trump: Please do not sign incoming 447 - Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act of 2017".

01:13 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

01:34 Hrs. Pije szklanke zielonej herbaty.

01:59 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

02:18 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 75 kg.

03:39 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (przezroczyste).

05:27 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (prawie przezroczyste).

07:31 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (prawie przezroczyste).

08:38 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste) + na dworze pada deszcz.

08:44 Hrs. 2-ga lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

09:10 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 73 kg.

10:12 Hrs. Biore lyzka stolowa oleju z lnu.

10:15 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody strukturowanej.

10:20 Hrs. 2-ga szklanka wody strukturowanej + 2 daktyle.

10:26 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Hands across the DMZ. Kim pledges denuclarization in historic meeting. Be wary. We've been down this path before" na okladce + spiew ptakow.

10:34 Hrs. Jem banana.

10:46 Hrs. 3-cia szklanka wody strukturowanej + kapsulka 940 mg Magnesium Glycinate + zelatynka 600 mg RxOmega-3.

11:27 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe - puszyste).

12:12 Hrs. Siusiu (prawie przezroczyste).

14:22 Hrs. Po romowie ma Skype z Jurkiem z HH.

14:25 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

14:45 Hrs. Szklanka herbaty owocowej GLOG + kawalek czekolady 74% + kapsulka 200 mg Coenzyme Q10 + 4 kapsulki 250 mg (1000 mg) Magnesium Citrate + 5 kapsulek 200 mg (1000 mg) Calcium Malate Bis-Glycinate 200.

15:13 Hrs. Slucham pana Jerzego Ziebe na FB + jablko.

15:36 Hrs. "Wszystkie rzady klamia" - JERZY ZIEBA (ogladam jego vlog).

15:41 Hrs. "Musi byc zryw, zryw wszystkich Polakow" - konczy swoj vlog Jerzy Zieba.

15:54 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

17:00 Hrs. Jem 3 jajka gotowane na twardo + talerz salaty z gotowanych jarzyn polanych oliwa z oliwek.

17:10 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

19:03 Hrs. Budze sioe + siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + lekko puszyste).

19:16 Hrs. 4-ta + 5-ta szklanka wody + tabletka multiwitaminy Centrum Men 50+ + kapsulka 200 mg Coenzyme Q10.

20:01 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

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