Sunday, October 10, 2010


Wyjatkowa mamy dzis date. 10 dzien, 10 miesiaca, 2010 roku. Wyjatkowy musi to byc tez dzien.

06:50 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Kosciol. Na dworze 5-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 21C.

06:55 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oleju konopnego Hemp Oil + zagryzam czekoladka Xocai POWER.

07:00 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "The Philadelphia Trumpet".

It has been 65 years since Europe's last major war. Still, when Germany gets up off its knees, the Continent trembles.
Last week, the Berlin government announced the best results since the Wall fell in '89. From the first quarter to the second one the republic's GDP rose 2.2 percent. At that rate - about 9 percent a year if it continues - Germany is running neck and neck with China. Compared to France and the U.S., Germany is flying nearly four times as fast.
Teutonic approach to warfare, Teutonic approach to its economy. Same people, same attitude, same lightning achievements - be it in war or business.
What is really happening today in Germany, a nation that so powerfully impacted the 20th century? How is Germany already affecting the present century, and what will it do in the near future? Will Germany be content to "fly four times as fast" as the U.S. and France economically alone, or will it seek to transfer that powerful economic clout into offensive military power yet again? Will Germany revert to its ancient Assyrian, Teutonic type, yet again? Serious foreign-policy minds with a view to history are now asking the question.
In the August-September issue of European Affairs, Dr. Jackson Janes asked, "During the last two decades the political and economic geometry of Europe has altered in favor of a more dominant position for Germany ... The current economic crisis has reaffirmed German dominance in the European Central Bank (ECB) and in almost all key economic and financial policy choices of the eurozone and the EU overall. ... During the 20 years since German unification ... Germany [has] increasingly [taken] de facto command of Europe's economic choices" (Ron Fraser, "What do do with Germany?", THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET, October/November 2010).

07:25 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 82 kg.

07:37 Hrs. Nakladam prezent urodzinowy. Kurtke DANIER. Na dworze slonecznie. Temp. na dworze 5C. Temp. w kuchni 22.8C.

07:41 Hrs. Odpalam maszyne ENVOY GMC. Jade do kosciola.

07:53 Hrs. W kosciele sw. Kazimierza.

"Pan Bog okazal ludom swe zbawienie."

09:07 Hrs. W sklepie Victoria's Roncesvalles Bakery kupuje 4 paczki ($3.16).

09:21 Hrs. W domu + Rysiek smazy jajecznice.

09:59 Hrs. Biore tabletki + popijam 200 mil wody.

10:44 Hrs. "Nie boje sie, o nie, bo ty naprawde kochasz mnie" - spiewa DZEM utwor pt. "Ostatnie widzenie" z dysku "Detox".

11:16 Hrs. Umieszczam wpis na Facebooku.

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