Monday, January 05, 2009

Wycinki znalezione

na podlodze

Jestem zarzucony wycinkami z gazet i magazynow. Sa na polkach, biurku, krzeslach i nawet na podlodze. Chcialoby sie je wszystkie opublikowac na blogu, ale brak czasu nie pozwala.

05:17 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Newsweek" (

Tymczasem mniej wiecej od roku o wielu najwazniejszych sprawach decyduje w Polsce mniejszosc. Partia, ktora przegrala wybory, zabarykadowala sie w Palacu Prezydenckim i poslugujac sie uprawnieniami glowy panstwa, narzuca dzis wiekszosci Polakow swoja wole, nie naruszajac wprawdzie litery konstytucji, na pewno jednak lamiac jej ducha. W ten sposob blisko 40-milionowy narod w srodku Europy, ktory w demokratycznych wyborach wylonil prawomocna reprezentacje, w wielu fundamentalnych kwestiach zostal pozbawiony prawa do samostanowienia przez zdeterminowana mniejszosc (Wojciech Maziarski, "Kaczynscy musza odejsc", NEWSWEEK, 30.11.2008).

06:29 Hrs. Niebo jest w niebie, a ziemia tu - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze slucho. Minus 1-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -8C. Ostre skrobanko przedniej szyby samochodu z lodu. W dzienniku: Hamas zbliza sie do zwyciestwa - mowi przywodca tej terrorystycznej organizacji. Bialo i mrozno w Polsce. -23C w Mikolajakach. 30% taboru slupskiego PKS-u nie wyjechalo w teren z powodu pogody. Bicie dzieci (tzw. klapsy) bedzie w Polsce dozwolone. Atak zimy w Niemczech. Autostrada Hamburg Berlin nieprzejezdna.
ESSO, Shell, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.75.5.

Czestuje sie gazetami ze skrzynek: "24 hours" z "Israeli ground troops split Gaza" na okladce + "Metro" ( z "Izraeli ground attack leaves dozens dead. Gaza will be your graveyard: Hamas to troops" na okladce.

Szefem kanadyjskich sil zbrojnych jest general Walter Natynczyk. Chlubi sie on polskimi korzeniami i jest z tego powodu bardzo dumny. Cala jego rodzina robi kariere w armii.

For the troops, it was a night off from risk of death, destruction and warfare. For the crowd and players at the Air Canada Centre, it was as chance to say thank you to all of the Canadian Armed Forces members who put their lives on the line for our freedom and for that of the people of Afghanistan and around the world.
For the Natynczyks, it was an night together - something very rare for this remarkable family.
As Leafs PA announcer Andy Frost told the crowd, they have offered some service to this country. Lieut. William Natynczyk is in the air force. Brother John is an army officer cadet at RMC in Kingston and don't forget Ordinary Seaman Margaret Natynczyk who serves in the navy. The fourth Natynczyk is in charge of them all - Walter, Canada's chief of defence staff who amazingly has a child in each branch (Joe Warmington, "Service all in the family. The remarkable Natynczyks attend the Canadian Forces Appreciation Night at the ACC", SUNDAY SUN, January 4, 2008).

Russia accused Ukraine of stealing gas destined for Europe as the two countries became further entrenched in a dispute over payment yesterday (Miriam Elder and Harry Wallop, "Relations between Russia, Ukraine chill over gas. Payment Quarrel", NATIONAL POST, Saturday, January 3, 2009).

Dimitry Medvedev, the Russian President, told Ukraine on Wednesday to pay its gas debts "to the last rouble" or face the prospect of sanctions from Moscow against its wider economy.
His comments came after Gazprom warned Ukraine it would cut gas deliveries on Jan. 1 if a new contract were not signed for 2009 and the debts for 2008 not paid back in full ("Gazprom warns EU on gas deliveries. Ukraine in default", NATIONAL POST, Saturday, December 27, 2008)

Od lat dzialaja dwa serwisy poswiecone tradycji: i Istnieje tez serwis, na ktorym znalezc mozna odsylacze do wielu stron poswieconych Tradycji. Jest tez od lat wydawane powazne czasopismo "Christianitas", gdzie publikowane sa powazne studia na temat Tradycji, kryzysu w Kosciele i cywilizacji chrzescijanskiej. Wobec tych faktow jasne jest, ze tradycyjny ryt rzymski, po latach nieobecnosci, albo obecnosci marginalenj - wyraznie sie odradza.
Nic zreszta dziwnego - ma on bowiem w sobie ozywcza moc pochodzaca od samego Jezusa Chrystusa. To wlasnie ow ryt ksztaltowal wiare i poboznosc, a takze, jak zaznacza w dokumencie papiez - kulture wielu ludow i narodow na przestrzeni wiekow (Arkadiusz Robaczewski, "Nie tyle konieczne jest zrozumienie znaczenia slow, co znaczenia sensu...", GONIEC, 14-20 wrzesnia 2007).

Rapture Ready
Churchill made the fatal error in the Second World War of backing Poland's hold on Danzig even though Britain could do nothing to defend Poland, Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia from Hitler's attempts to reunite millions of Germans stranded in these new nations by the dreadful Versailles Treaty.
Britain's declaration of war on Germany over Poland led to a general European war.
After suffering 5.6 million dead, Poland ended up occupied by the Soviet Union. Buchanan's heretical view, and mine, is that the western democracies should have let Hitler expand his Reich eastward until it inevitably went to war with the even more dangerous Soviet Union. Once these despotisms had exhausted themselves, the western democracies would have been left dominating Europe. The lives of millions of western civilians and soldiers would have been spared.
In the end, Churchill and U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt were so obsessed with crushing Germany, and so seduced by "Uncle Joe" Stalin, they handed half of Europe to the Soviet Union, a far more murderous and dangerous tyranny than Hitler's Germany. From his Soviet gulag cell, Alexander Solzhenitsyn called Roosevelt and Churchill "stupid" (Eric Margolis, "Churchill's great mistakes. Hitler should have been allowed to expand eastward until meeting the more dangerous Russia", SUNDAY SUN, November 16, 2008).
Sprawa polska nigdy nie dzielila mocarstw spod znaku trzech Czarnych Orlow, wrecz przeciwnie, w tym jednym temacie panowala miedzy nimi wyjatkowa zgodnosc. Nigdy wiecej Polski! Dopiero kataklizm Wielkiej Wojny zmusil Petersburg, Berlin i Wieden do ruchow politycznych, ktore po pierwsze sprawe polska ponownie stawialy na forum miedzynarodowym, a po drugie, w skutek swoistej licytacji, dawaly Polakom coraz ciekawsze pole manewru (WMWojnarowicz, "11 Listopada 1918 - sukces uporu!", ZYCIE, 13 - 19 listopada 2008).
Somali Islamists have stoned to death a woman accused of adultery, witnesses said, the first such public killing in about two years.
The 23-year-old woman was placed in a hole up to her neck while stones were hurled at her head, witnesses said (24 HOURS, Wednesday, October 29, 2008).

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