Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Prawdziwym celem Putina

jest realizacja agresywnej strategii Rosji polegajacej na uzyciu eksportu energii w celu podzielenia Europy i oslabienia tych panstw, ktore nadal uwaza on za swoich poddanych, poczynajac od Ukrainy - WASZINGTON POST ("Gaz polityczna bronia Rosji", GAZETA 3, 9 - 11 stycznia 2009).

05:17 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Newsweek" (www.newsweek.pl).

Napasc na Gruzje nie przejdzie do historii jako swit nowej ery potegi Rosji, ale jako ogromny blad strategiczny Moskwy (Fareed Zakaria, NEWSWEEK, 7.09.2008).

06:29 Hrs. Kwiaty we wlosach potargal wiatr. Wyrzuc z pamieci ostatni kwiat - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze bialo. Pada snieg. Wietrznie. Minus 1-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -7C. Ostre szczotkowanko samochodu. W dzienniku: Prezydent Lech Kaczynski zawetowal ustawe o dozywotnych funduszach kapitalowych. 15 panstw stalo sie ofiarami terroryzmu gazowego Rosji. Strzaly w Izrael z Jordanii. Gruzja zasypana sniegiem.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.75.8.

Czestuje sie ze skrzynek gazetami: "Metro" (www.metronews.ca) z "Israel inches closer to Gaza City amid threats" na okladce + "24 hours" z "Unions plead for health funding" na okladce.
Jazda wolna. Slisko. Jezdnia pokryta sniegiem, nieposypana sola.

15:30 Hrs. Szuflowanko sniegu przed domem. Na dworze zachmurzenie umiarkowane. Wiatr. Minus 3-stopniowo.
W domu czeka na mnie magazyn z mojego uniwersytetu "TABARET" (www.tabaret.uOttawa.ca) z "Allan Rock: Focused Forward" na okladce.

It's a great question: Should I invest in security cameras for my home? First, you need to realize cameras will not actually stop an intruder from entering your home. They are strictly a layer of security designed to work with other "target-hardening" techniques in an effort to keep the homeowner safe.
Cameras do their part by recording suspicious activity, whether in or around your home, but should not be substituted for the meat and potatoes of a proper home security package - I'm talking about strong door locks, frame and door reinforcement, glass protection and, of course, alarm systems (Frank Fourchalk, "Focus on security cameras. The clear picture on what to look for" - www.yourhomesecurity.ca , TORONTO SUN, January 9 & 11 2009).


If police are going to continue to carry stun guns, they should also have to carry defibrillators says a retired expert in electromagnetics, Andrew Podgorski, who worked for Canada's National Recearch Council until 1995, said he believes stun guns are very dangerous. He said if every officer carrying a Taser also had a device to restart the heart, it would save lives. He said that in almost all the cases where the heart stops beating, a defibrillator can revive the person (24 HOURS, Manday, January 12, 2009).

Tadeusz Gajl w "Herby Szlacheckie Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodow", zacne szlacheckie rodziny PODGORSKI przypisuje do klanow: Belina, Dolega, Jelita, Odrowaz, Ostoja, Pilawa, Pobog, Sas, Podgorski.

Canadians do not feel comfortable with the bare concept of multiple marriages...

The federal law prohibiting polygamy was written into the Criminal Code of Canada expressly to keep Mormons out of this country, some legal scholars say it is unfair, illogical and anachronistic...

It's a crime to have a more than one "spouse," as loosely as that term is now defined, but it's not a crime to have intimate relationships with more than one partner, simultaneously (Brian Hutchinson, "Polygamy charges test law, tolerance", NATIONAL POST, Saturday, January 10, 2009 - www.nationalpost.com).

W spoleczenstwie, ktore wyzbylo sie tradycyjnych podzialow, zlikiwidowalo stany i wyrugowalo tradycyjne wartosci, sygnalizacja posiadania jest glowna masowa metoda komunikowania wlasnej "wartosci" (Andrzej Kumor, "W obronie abnegacji", GONIEC, 9-15 stycznia 2009).

The war in Gaza is not a morally complicated event. On one side is a terrorist group that provoked the conflict with rocket fire, uses civilians as human shields and has gone on record with its desire to exterminate its enemy wholesale. On the other side is a democratic Canadian ally that is seeking to minimize civilian casualties as it fights back against ruthless killers. We're gratified to see that these facts have not escaped the notice of our country's leaders ("Moral clarity on the Middle East", NATIONAL POST, Saturday, January 10, 2009).

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