Monday, October 06, 2008

Riding: Parkdale-High Park

Election 2008

A tour through Parkdale-High Park quickly reveals the constituents are divided between support for longtime MPP and Liberal candidate Gerard Kennedy and incumbent MP and NDP candidate Peggy Nash. Kennedy served as an Ontario member of provincial parliament from 1996 until 2006, when he resigned to run for leadership of the federal Liberal Party. After placing fourth in the second ballot at the leadership convention, he withdrew his candidacy to lend his support to Stephane Dion.
Nash was voted into Parliament January 2006 and has served the riding since. The riding covers 16 sq. km, has a population of 102,142 and about 73,000 people are eligible to vote.

Peggy Nash
AGE: 57
POSITION: MP for Parkdale-High Park from 2006; former labour negotiator. "What I'm hearing most is concern about the economy. People are obviously worried about the financial situation in the States so they're worried about jobs and their savings, their mortgage. I'm also hearing concern about how our country makes the transition to a green, energy-efficient economy, and there's also the creative economy and I'm hearing a lot of concern from artists and other people about support for the arts."

Gerard Kennedy
AGE: 48
PARTY: Liberal
POSITION: MPP for Pardale-High Park from 1996 to 2006; Ontario education minister from 2003 to 2006.
"People are not discouraged by Mr. Harper per se; they want to do something about him, and that's the difference between myself and the NDP. I'm very optimistic that we will overcome Mr. Harper by having better things on offer and not just by being against him."

Robert Rishchynski
AGE: 41
PARTY: Green
POSITION: IT manager.
"The thing I keep hearing again and again is about how Toronto is going to move forward in terms of infrastructure financing, basically what you would call the 'building our city' category of issues."

Jilian Saweczko
AGE: 64
PARTY: Conservative
POSITION: Businesswoman.
"The Conservatives will protect Canadians by cracking down on weapons offences; protecting victims - too often they are forgotten; (and) cutting down on pollution."

Andrew Borkowski
AGE: 43
PARTY: Christian Heritage Party
POSITION: Pharmacist.
"On the issue of abortion, we are the only party to honour the sanctity of life from conception to natural death."

Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
Lorne Gershuny
AGE: 51
PARTY: Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
"Canada should take a stand to be a force for peace and not participate in the aggressive war the way that it is in Afghanistan."

Terry Parker
AGE: 53
PARTY: Marijuana Party
POSITION: Advocate.
"I'm trying to demonstrate that I'm the best shot when it comes to protecting your children and protecting marijuana consumption required for cancer, MS, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, whatever."
(METRO, Monday, October 6, 2008).

Marijuana Party

Tadeusz Gajl w "Herby Szlacheckie Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodow", zacne szlacheckie rodziny BORKOWSKI przypisuje do klanow: Belina, Ciolek, Doliwa, Dolega, Grzymala, Junosza, Krzywda, Lubicz, Labedz, Nalecz, Nowina, Sas, Samson, Sulima, Strzemie, Topor, Borkowski.

05:20 Hrs. 3 kawalki opiumowca + herbatka + ogladanie BBC na sniadanko. BBC podaje, ze PZPN ma ostatnia szanse aby zlikwidowac korupcje w polskiej pilce. Inaczej Polska reprezentacja zostanie wykluczona z mistrzostw.

05:30 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Newsweek".

06:13 Hrs. Chce byc z toba, ale nie wiem jak - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM gdy nakladam biala podkoszulke Calvin Klein.

06:43 Hrs. A ty tylko pod nogami masz asfaltowe laki wielkich miast - unosi sie w polskim radiu. Na dworze chlodno. 6-stopniowo. Zakladam rekawiczki. W dzienniku: Swiatowa Federacja Pilkarska dala Polsce ultimatum. Jaruzelski zeznaje przed sadem. Kryzys finansowy w Niemczech. W Rosji gielda cienko przedzie.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.09.7.

Czestuje sie gazetami: "24 hours" z "Vandals target Grits" na okladce + "Metro" ( z "Rule changed before listeria crisis: Union" na okladce.

15:12 Hrs. "I'm travelling along" - unosi sie w CBC RADIO 1 na fali 99.1 FM gdy wracam do domu. Na dworze slonecznie. 13-stopniowo. Okno w samochodzie uchylone.

15:25 Hrs. Wyjmuje ze skrzynki na listy najnowszy magazyn "HALLO! Canada" ( z "Sarah Ferguson The Duchess of York pours out her heart to 'Hello!' in Canada" na okladce.

Dwie ulotki wyborcze znalezione w skrzynce na listy:

Peggy Nash
Parkdale-High Park
Tel: 416.537.5001

Robert Rishchynski
Federal Candidate for Parkdale-High Park

Battle of Vienna

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