Sunday, February 17, 2008

KOSOWO - narodziny panstwa

02:21 Hrs. Baby hold on to me whatever will be will be - spiewa Eddie Money na GOLDR 722. Ja i Isabel popijamy w kubkach goraca czekolade + po kieliszku koniaku dla niej i porto dla mnie. Troszke przybalowalismy dzisiaj. Czyzbysmy nieswiadomie celebrowali narodziny nowego panstwa, ktore mialo powstac kilka godzin pozniej?

The earthly kingdom is shortlived, but the Heavenly one is forever - Prince Lazar, on the eve of the Battle of Kosovo, 1389.

Wczoraj wieczorem porozmawialem z Ania ze Slupska, ktora juz przyleciala do Nowego Jorku. Szczesliwa, ze mogla po tylu latach zobaczyc swojego brata Antosia Zarembe.

11:41 Hrs. ( podaje: Freezing rain Current Temp 0C Humidity 86%. Spogladam przez okno. Na dworze ponuro. 70 cm. gruba czapa bialego puszystego sniegu na stoliku na ganku, jakby sie skurczyla, pociemniala i blyszczy pokryta cienka warstwa lodu. Podaja tez, ze Kosowo oglosilo suwerennosc. Duzy Rusek czyli Rosja i maly Rusek czyli Serbia kreca noskami. Albanscy potomkowie odwiecznych plemion hellenskich Illyrian w koncu odzyskali niepodleglosc. Najpierw okupowani przez Turkow, pozniej przez malych Ruskow = Serbow.

12:11 Hrs. CBC NEWS podjaja, ze Kosowo bedzie 193 panstwem na swiecie. Talibowie zamordowali 88 Afganczykow.

14:57 Hrs. Jaskolka uwieziona - spiewa Stan Borys w radiu Polonia na fali 1540 AM.

15:00 Hrs. Dziennik radia Polonia podaje, ze nieduza grupa nacjonalistow serbskich awanturuje sie na ulicach Belgradu, w zwiazku z ogloszeniem przez Kosowo niepodleglosci.


16:30 Hrs. Skonczylem rozmowe telefoniczna z Januszem z Ottawy. Powspominalismy sobie stare ottawskie czasy.

18:11 "Long Live Kosova" - napis na jednym z wielu plakatow. Tlumna manifestacja Albanczykow w Ottawie z okazji ogloszenia niepodleglosci przez Kosowian. Wiele flag amerykanskich i unii europejskiej.

In the bittery cold winter of 1877-8, in territories that Serbia had taken over during its fight for independence from the Ottoman Empire, orders from Belgrade led to the expulsion of almost all Muslims from the Morava valley region in the southeast, where there had been hundreds of Albanian willages and significant Albanian population in such towns as Prokuplje, Leskovac, and Vranje. Thousands froze to death. At least 70,000 were driven into Kosovo, then an Ottoman region. The ethnic cleansing was repeated 34 years later, in 1912, when the Serbian Army invaded Kosovo. At that time, Kosovo was on the brink of an agreed autonomy after a successful revolt against the Turks by Kosovar Albanian chiefs. By a horrible irony, this very Albanian revolt had enfeebled the Ottoman garrisons and the Serbs were quickly in possession of Kosovo (Julian Evans, "A bard's take on Kosovo. As the refugees continue to flee the troubled province, Ismail Kadare, an Albanian exile, makes a convincing argument that his ancestors were once allies of their Serbian oppressors - in the pivotal event in Serbian history", WEEKEND POST BOOKS, Saturday, May 1, 1999).

Albanian and Serbian scholars, most of whom are nationalist in orientation, have totally opposing theories about the ethnic development of Kosovo, and this has been an important issue in the background to the present crisis. The Serbs are convinced that before they arrived in the region in the sixth and seventh centuries, Kosovo was almost uninhabited, and that Albanians only arrived in the area in the fifteenth century with the conquering Turks, and again in the seventeenth century after the exodus of a great number of Serbs. However, the Albanians are equally convinced that, as descendants of the Illyarians, they are the original inhabitants of Kosovo. The Province is also where the Albanian national movement was born in 1878 and where Albanian nationalism has its focus. The Albanians consider theirs to be by far the stronger historical claim to Kosovo since their ancestors, the Illyrians, are known to have inhabited the area for several centuries before the arrival of the Slavs (Miranda Vickers, "Between Serb and Albanian A History of Kosovo", Columbia University Press New York 1998).

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