Monday, August 15, 2022

Wielkie swieto w

Polsce. Wniebowziecie N.M.P. + Swieto Wojska Polskiego. Pomodlic sie pojechalismy do sw. Kolbego. Relaksowac do parku Riverwood, nad rzeka Credit River. THE VISIT OF JOHN PAUL II. Every year pilgrims arrive at Midland by the ten of thousands. Among this crowd of believers, is worthy of a particular mention Pope John Paul II, who, during his pastoral presence in Canada, on September 15 1984 visited the Jesuit mission of Sainte-Marie and the Martyrs' Shrine. On the same occasion he recommissioned the native Indian deacons and addressed a crowd of 100,000 faithful. Quite revealing was the answer given by the Pope, when he was about to take the plane for Rome, to a journalist who inquired about what had impressd him the most during his stay in Canada, "The shrine of the Jesuit martyrs, just north of Toronto", the Pope replied without hesitation (Luigi Pautasso, "The Holy Martyrs of Canada: The Pioneers of the Faith in Canada"). RIVERWOOD

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