Friday, May 27, 2016

Naloty policyjne

Image result for police raids marijuana dispensaries in toronto
Demonstrators gathered outside Toronto police headquaters
nikogo nie zaskoczyly. Burmistrz miasta, pan Tory (zwany tez "policjantem") ostrzegal sklepy sprzedajace medyczna marihuane przed karami i nalotami. Policja straszyla + prasa ostrzegala. I stalo sie. Przyszli z lomami, psami, antyterrorystami, moze z latajacym helikopterem, ale bez czlogu i zastukali do twoich drzwi.

Najwiecej straca pacjeci, chorzy, starzy i nieudolni ludzie. Ale policji i panstwu akurat o tych ludzi najmniej zalezy. Zastraszenie calego spoleczenstwa i pokazanie sily policji jest celem tej akcji nalotowej. Wstyd i szkoda, ze dalej zyjemy w panstwie policyjnym. Widocznie na nie zasluzylismy swoja bezczynnoscia.

Police arrested 90 people and laid 186 charges

"Nie sposob zrozumiec tego Narodu, ktory mial przeszlosc tak wspaniala, a zarazem tak trudna - bez Chrystusa" - PAPIEZ JAN PAWEL II WIELKI.

Microsoft wsadzil mi wirusa do mojego desktopu. Od kiedy wladowali mi w komputer Windows 10 mam klopoty z ladowaniem zdjec z aparatu fotograficznego do komputera, nie dziala drukarka i wylacza sie sam monitor z informacja: "Your computer is low on memory" i "Entering Power Save Mode". Trzeba wylaczac komputer i znow go wlaczac. Ale cykl sie powtarza. Po prostu mam wirusa i nie moge uzywac desktop.

Bede musial go odchwascic z Windows 10 i wrocic do bylego Windows 7. W miedzyczasie przeprosilem swoj laptop i nadaje z niego.  Laptop dziala na Windows Vista.

"Polski katolicyzm posiada wlasny niepowtarzalny charakter. Cechuje go umilowanie wolnosci, przywiazanie do swobody sumienia, tolerancja religijna oraz zgodnosc wiary z rozumem" - GRZEGORZ GORNY ("Piekni Tysiacletni" -

Tadeusz Gajl w "Herbarz Polski" (Polish Armorial) zacne szlacheckie rodziny GORNY przypisuje do klanow Junosza  Image result for herb junosza i Prus I Image result for herb prus I .

Chociaz nie poszedlem do pracy dzien dzisiejszy byl dosc busy. Sprawy z urzedami na telefon + wypelnianie podan + wizyta w szpitalu. Sam CAT SCAN wzial 2 godziny i 40 minut. Mieli jakies tam opoznienie. Ale w przerwach udalo mi sie zlapac 5000 IU witaminy D na sloncu.

W prasie duzo o nalotach policyjnych na apteki (dispensary) z medycznymi konopiami (marihuana). Nie wiem, czy bylo to dobre posuniecie ze strony wladz miasta Totonto i policji. Watpie czy komus za te glupote spadna glowy, bo policji rzadko spadaja, ale zacznie sie jakis proces, ktorego rezultat trudno przewidziec. Ze Toronto jest policyjnym panstwem to teraz ewidentne na cala Kanade i swiat. Zobaczymy jakie bedzie nastepne posuniecie politykow i to tych lokalnych, i tych w Ottawie. Bo posuniecie policji jest dobrze znane: wiecej uzbrojonej policji, palek, karabinow, wiezien, helikopterow, dronow, czolgow na ulicach miasta i kryminalnych rekordow wsrod mlodych Kanadyjczykow. No, ale to jest cena za ktora placi spoleczenstwo wystraszone. "Do not be afraid of Jesus" - said Pope John Paul II the Great when he was visiting communist Poland. And then communism collapsed. Kazda niewole przelamuje najpierw wyzwolenie sie ze strachu.

Project Claudia raids hit pot shops across city

Giant bags of weed locked in police cruisers, young people in handcuffs inside dispensaries, signs that say "Closed" or "Closing."
This was the very public face Thursday of Project Claudia - an effort by Toronto Police to crack down on stores selling medical marijuana over the counter ("24 Hours Toronto, Friday, May 27, 2016).

Prince of Pot on mayor's crackdown

Canada's "Prince of Pot" Marc Emery says Mayor John Tory will pay a political price for pushing for a citywide crackdown on marijuana dispensaries.
Postmedia Network spoke with Emery Thursday hours after police raided dozens of dispensaries, seizing weed and shuttering many of the establishments.
Here's what he had to say about the crackdown, the dispensaries themselves and Mayor Tory's political future:

What is your reaction to this crackdown?

"It's unfathomable because marijuana is a very safe substance. These dispensaries meet the demand of citizens who are there voting with their dollars and their feet to buy. There's no harm going on, there's no coercion."

Do you think the dispensaries are selling marijuana in an appropriate way and it's safe?

"Are the marijuana consumers complaining? The only people who are relevant in this whole discussion are not the people who don't smoke marijuana, are not the police ... the only relevant relationship is between the buyer and the seller. Clearly, the buyers think (the dispensaries) are doing an awesome thing. The sellers are happy to give the buyers what they want."

You've been at this a long time, where do you see it going?

"We're going to win this. The taxpayer eventually will not put up with hundreds of police officers being called into courts to give testimony costing millions of dollars. They will not put up with cops endlessly arresting people and making the legalization period even worse than it was at the worst of prohibition. We're going to have to get people in wheelchairs arrested. We're going to have to get sick people arrested. We're going to have to put them on the front lines so that the public can see who they're actually affecting."
"The citizens of Toronto love these dispensaries because they support them in droves ... they are going to remember the people like John Tory who brought this oppression to the kind of horrible peak that we're seeing today. John Tory is finished. "Let me guarantee you that" ("24 Hours Toronto", Friday, May 27, 2016).

Weed like to have a word
Drug Squad cracks down on marijuana dispensaries

Toronto police and the Drug Squad raided a series of marijuana dispensaries in the city on Thursday. Through the investigation called Project Claudia, members of the Toronto police drug squad and front-line officers, in partnership with the City of Toronto, have issued a series of search and arrest warrants, according to Toronto police.
The project targeted various locations that have been identified as trafficking in marijuana outside of the marijuana-for-medical-use regulations, said Const. Caroline de Kloet.
Toronto police raided four dispensaries along Danforth Avenue west of Chester.
A repairman replaced glass smashed out of the door of, just west of Hampton Avenue, as police officers milled about inside (TORONTO METRO, Weekend, May 27-29, 2016).

Pot home delivery prices low

It's now cheaper to order a gram of pot to your door than a head of lettuce.
The country's largest legal cannabis company says patients who furnish prescriptions can receive their monthly dosage in the post for $5 a gram - and, for a heftier price, get it mere hours after ordering. TORONTO NEWS SERVICE (TORONTO METRO, Weekend, May 27-29, 2016).

The courts continue to waste time and money prosecuting people for marijuana-related offences despite feds' promise to legalize it. Welcome to the new war on drugs.

The war on the drugs is supposed to be coming to an end in Canada as far as marijuana is concerned, but you wouldn't know it from the number of pot charges still making their way through Toronto's Old City Hall courthouse. Or, for that matter, from Mayor John Tory's threat to shut down what he describes as the "alarming" number of medical marijuana dispensaries cropping up around town. It's reefer madness all over again, though the federal government has promised to establish a regime for legalized weed by spring 2017.
On a recent morning at Old City Hall, 40 people were scheduled to appear on various drug possession charges. It's difficult to say how many cannabis charges are processed on a given day, but about two-thirds of the 90,000 drug-related charges reported in Canada every year involve pot (NOW, May 26 - June 1, 2016).

01:38 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

02:55 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + lekko puszyste).

04:46 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + puszyste).

06:30 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

07:50 Hrs. Budze sie + lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

08:25 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 72 kg + arytmia.

08:30 Hrs. Na dworze 22-stopniowo + zachmurzenie umiarkowane. Temp. w kuchni 22C. + zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Cud jest najukochanszym dzieckiem wiary" - JOHAN WOLFGANG GOETHE + mierze stezenie cukru we krwi na czczo. 6.6 mmol/L = 118 mg/dL.

08:35 Hrs. Biore kropelki na serce A. Vogel Heart Care.

09:35 Hrs. Pije ziola BORUTUTU + zaparzam nastepna porcje w termosie.

10:07 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody + tabletka na serce 5 mg SANDOZ-BISOPROLOL FUMARATE + 2 daktyle.

10:35 Hrs. Jem banana.

13:19 Hrs. Wpuszczam twita na Twitterze.

13:55 Hrs. Jem 2 gruszki + wychodze na slonce napromieniowac skore.

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