Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Kalesonki przeproszone

czyli powrot do normalnosci

05:25 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Polityka".

Dode tez pani zaprosi? Wszyscy ja zapraszaja.
Do audycji stricte rozrywkowej, jesli taka bylaby na naszej antenie, owszem. Do jednego z powaznych telewizyjnych programow publicystycznych Doda zostala zaproszona, aby wystapic wspolnie z Donaldem Tuskiem. Uwazam, ze byla to sytuacja niepotrzebnie upakarzajaca zarowno dla Dody, jak i pana premiera.
Jednak Doda moglaby chyba wystapic w programie o seksie, ktory pani prowadzi?
Nie, bo formula programu "Kochaj sie dlugo i zdrowo" nie jest skandalizujaca. Z seksuologiem Andrzejem Depka rozmawiamy o sprawach, ktore Polacy uwazaja za wstydliwe, niewymowne. Staramy sie mowic jasnym i prostym jezykiem o kwestiach, ktore stanowia istotny element zycia kazdego czlowieka, a zostaly kulturowo zagmatwane. Z zalozenia jest to audycja edukacyjna, a w niektorych przypadkach moze miec takze walory terapeutyczne. Nikt w mediach, poza nami, nie podejmuje cyklicznie, konsekwentnie i na powaznie tego tematu.
Co z konkurencja Internetu? Nie obawia sie jej pani?
Korzystam z sieci, ale nie czytam forow internetowych, zamknelam swoj blog, bo nie podoba mi sie dyskutowanie z anonimami na poziomie "ty czerwona szmato". Moim zdaniem, takie radio jak nasze ma szanse przetrwania, bo chce prowadzic partnerski dialog, a takiego coraz bardziej brakuje. Coraz wiecej ludzi teskni za prawdziwa rozmowa ("Miejsce na slowa. Rozmowa z Ewa Wanat, redaktor naczelna Radia TOK FM, POLITYKA nr 10 (2644), 8 marca 2008).

06:36 Hrs. Zycie jest za krotkie zeby pic marne wino - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze zimno. 1-stopniowo. Wczoraj nawet snieg padal na polnoc od Toronto. Ogrzewanie w domu i w samochodzie znow na pelnych obrotach. Okna zamkniete. Kalesonki na tylku. Czyli znow wrocila syberyjsko-kanadyjska normalka.
W dzienniku: Zaden z 3 wczoraj aresztowanych policjantow w sprawie smierci Olewnika nie przyznaje sie do winy.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire biora za litr paliwa $1.22.1. Petro-Canada $.22.6.

15:10 Hrs. "Take your time. Change your mind" - unosi sie w CBC RADIO ONE na fali 99. FM. Wracam z pracy do domu. Na dworze 9-stopniowo. Zachmurzenie z przejasnieniami. Okno w samochodzie zamkniete. Wlaczone ogrzewanie.


Wycinek pierwszy: O Obwachiwaniu Przez Psy Policyjne W Miejscach Publicznych.

Supreme Court to rule today on sniffer dogs in public places
By Janice Tibbetts
OTTAWA * A case that started with a dog named Chief trying to sniff out drugs at an Ontario high school culminates in a Supreme Court of Canada ruling today on whether police can use scent-tracking canines for random searches in public places, including schools, parks, malls, airports and bus terminals.
"This has far-reaching implications way past schools," said Paul Wubben, director of education for the St. Clair Catholic District School Board in southern Ontario, where principals routinely call police to bring in sniffer dogs.
At issue is whether sniffer dogs are an invasion of privacy that amount to unreasonable search and seizure under the Charter of Rights. The court will hand down rulings in two separate cases that have sparked enormous commentary and speculation in legal circles in the absence of any clear Canadian law.
The decisions could put an end to random sweeps with sniffer dogs, which are commonplace in schools, airports and train and bus stations.
In the case that has attracted the most attention, the court will decide whether police in Sarnia violated the student body's constitutional rights by bringing a scent-tracking dog into St. Patrick's High School in November, 2002.
The police, who had received a standing invitation from the principal, acknowledged in earlier court proceedings that they were not acting on a tip, they had no reason to believe student safety was threatened and that it would have been a "fruitless exercise" to try to obtain a search warrant.
Students were confined in their classrooms while police searched the school, including backpacks piled in a corner of the gymnasium. After a signal from Chief, police zeroed in on one backpack, in which they found 10 bags of marijuana, 10 magic mushrooms and assorted drug paraphernalia.
A student identified as A.M., who was 17 at the time, was charged, but later cleared by two Ontario courts on the grounds that police had violated his Charter rights.
Canwest News Service (NATIONAL POST, Friday, April 25, 2008).

Wycinek drugi: O Celebrowaniu "4/20" Dnia Marihuany 20 Kwietnia.

pot culture
Purring at puff party
Toke-in has more takers than Earth Day rally
AMAZING POT SMOG HANGS HAZILY in the sunny afternoon during Toronto Hash Mob's second successful smoke-out on Sunday, April 20, better known as 4/20.
By 4:20 pm, almost 2,000 stoners fill out makeshift auditorium behind College Park at 420 Yonge.
They come to blaze. Standing three deep on steps leading onto a dry outdoor skating rink, enthusiasts wave their weed.
Our message to Stephen Harper, "We Got High! We Got High! We Got High! Here we are a block away from police headquarters, and no one is arrested. Uniformed Toronto police officers just pretend our peaceful act of civil disobedience isn't happening.
If the city would only grant our request for regulation and local taxation of marijuana sales, we could stop these awkward moments for them.
Soon, I take the makeshift podium and lay out the smoke-out ground rules. There shall be plentiful peaceful public puffing. Most importantly, no violence. "If you are here to hurt anyone, break property or embarrass organizers in front of the media, you are a narc pig bastard," I say. Attendees howl understandingly.
Moments later, a stoner in a super-hero-size bong costume arrives. The growing gathering erupts in approval. He poses. Flexes muscles. Then a puff of smoke goes out his top. More roaring.
The socializing is extensive, but it comes with prohibition precautions. So many beautiful bud babes, but one or two of them, sadly, will be narcs. Experience teaches me a few undercovers are posing as potheads. They are probably angling to cop any amount of cannabis - shared or sold doesn't matter. For anyone offering some, that's trafficking charge.
But this requires collection of evidence (i.e., giving a guy or gal ganja), not footage of stoners publicly puffing. Two try to fish us. One's polite and friendly, but then a downright annoying fellow keeps pestering.
"Dude, you just asked the organizers for weed. That's not cool," an activist who calls himself Goodster reprimands him between puffs.
It's easy to dismiss the strategic value of this bong-fest. But, really, the apolitical are politicized here. They're not going to attend boring city council debates, pro-pot forums or put their names on a petition.
It's not weed making them lazy. The politicos have trouble mustering their own tuned-in troops today. That's what I conclude when I visit the 300-strong noon-hour Yonge-Dundas Square Earth Day rally. Guess Jack Layton isn't much of a draw compared to doobies in a park.
The tuned-in have to start accepting the horde of turned-on, or we're all going to drop out. With Tories taking on tokers, Toronto Hash Mob will take on the Tories by toking more publicly than ever. Just smell for us (NOW, April 24-30 2008).

Wycinek trzeci: O Legalizacji Maryski I Nonsensie Prohibicji.

Pot use growing like a weed
If the Lord wanted us to smoke marijuana, He would have let it grow wild ... oh, right, it does
Ted Woloshyn

According to recent report from the Centre for Addiction and Mental health (CAMH), since 1977 cannabis use among adults in Ontario has almost doubled - from 8% to 14% - although, use is generally infrequent" (less than once per month).
The average age of a pot smoker has also risen; from 26 to 31. This is great news for organized crime that controls most of that industry. It's a pain in the butt for cops.
Police generally don't want to deal with small possession charges because the paperwork is time consuming - time better spent fighting the aforementioned whose "businesses" are funded with drug money.
So who is fuelling this growth industry? Well it's not necessarily your stereotypical long-haired weird guy who lives in a basement apartment with bean bag chairs and a stereo system that rivals Massey Hall's. It's the woman across the street who's a partner in a downtown law firm married to an insurance salesman who is also chairman of the local service club. I hasten to mention any specific club, because I fear they may attack me with an army of go-carts.
It's a doctors, computer analysts, painters, and politicians (and yes they do inhale!). Why even some members of the clergy partake. It beats the hell out of incense, and let's be honest; if the Lord wanted us to smoke pot, He would have let it grow wild ... oh right, it does.
"Some people may have a hard time quitting ... they may feel anxious without it, and those who use marijuana a lot and then quit suddenly, may have problems sleeping," according to CAMH. "These symptoms rarely last more than a few days."
Not to trivialize these possibilities but they certainly pale in comparison to heroin, cocaine, or for that matter alcohol addiction. But marijuana is not a hard drug, nor is it a "gateway" drug, which leads to hard drugs. That was the opinion of a 2002 Senate committee. Mind you, for most of them, Metamucil is a gateway drug.
We're all aware smoking is hazardous to your lungs, however according to the medical journal Thorax, "one joint is equivalent to between 2.5 and 5 cigarettes in one go." When you consider adults generally smoke less than once per month, five cigarettes over four weeks is hardly a risky habit.
Moderation is the key. You'd also be wise not to drive or replace the wiring in your house when you to are wired.
So what's the upside to getting high? For some it's a good way to relax at the end of the day. For others it works to calm an upset stomach, or stimulate an appetite. Some smoke pot courtesy of the government to assist them in dealing with AIDS or chemotherapy.
Marijuana use is not going to go away. "Cannabis use has become a more and more acceptable lifestyle for adults. It is trickling into the lives of more and more older Ontarians," says scientist Dr. Jurgen Rehm.
So unless the government feels it has no problem with funding organized crime, it needs to take control of this issue. There are two ways they can do this. Either allow people to grow a limited amount for personal use, or legalize it. Imagine the money it could generate? Imagine that largesse making its way into health care?
A Liberal marijuana reform bill was introduced several times but it never passed, and the Tories have no plans to re-introduce it. A major stumbling block is the U.S. government. They would freak out like a guy on a bad acid trip if we relaxed the laws. Maybe George Bush would be better off firing up a cracker every once in awhile. You don't see a lot of people getting high and saying, "Hey now that we're buzzed, lets go beat the hell out of some country" (SATURDAY SUN, April 19, 2008).

21:13 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza. Dzisiaj wtorek. 29 kwietnia 2008. Dzien dluzszy od najkrotszego dnia w roku o 7 godzin i 8 minut. Imieniny Piotra, Rity, Angeliny, Roberta, Hugona, Katarzyny.

1928 - Zmarl Jan Sztolcman, zoolog, ornitolog; badacz fauny Peru i Ekwadoru; dyrektor Muzeum Zoologicznego Branickich w Warszawie; zalozyciel i redaktor "Lowcy Polskiego"; inicjator miedzynarodowej ochrony zubra (ur. 1854 r.).
1968 - Zmarl Wojciech A. Swietoslawski, fizykochemik, profesor m.in. politechniki i uniwersytetu w Warszawie; jeden z tworcow wspolczesnej termochemii; autor "Chemii fizycznej" - pierwszego polskiego podrecznika z tej dziedziny (ur. 1881 r.) ("Kalendarz Rodzinny").

Stan PZPN pokazuje, jak patologiczny system wyksztalcony w PRL sie rozwija, reprodukuje i adoptuje do warunkow postkomunistycznego panstwa, a kariery nowych ludzi oznaczaja dostosowanie sie do starych mechanizmow (Bronislaw Wildstein, "Pilka i polityka. Sport wspolczesny, a zwlaszcza pilka nozna, pelni funkcje antycznych igrzysk, stajac sie obiektem histerii powszechnej", ZYCIE, 24 - 30 kwietnia 2008).

Ja w ogole bym postulowal, aby kazdy obywatel w ramach ulatwiania pracy policji meldowal, co zamierza robic oraz gdzie i w jakim celu jedzie. Zyja jeszcze specjalisci sowieccy, oni powiedza, jak to praktycznie zrobic (Andrzej Kumor, "A free Canadian, free to speak without fear...", GONIEC, 18 - 24 kwietnia 2008).

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