Friday, January 19, 2024


KANADZIE. Jest dobrze. Wszyscy usmiechnieci. Mroz siarczysty. Nie wychodze z domu. Studiuje bron biala. Scyzoryki. *** Prior to the era of the "combat folder" all folding knives were considerd "pocket" knives. The reason for this consideration was that there were only two places you could carry your folding knife and that was either in a pouch strapped usually to your belt or in your pocket - there were no other options for folding knife carry. In fact it was a family-owned knife company started by a Kanasas blacksmith apprentice named Hoyt Buck way back in the early 1900's eventually called Buck Knives - perhaps one of the oldest knife companies in America today that came up with the concept of improving the "pocket" knife. According to the company archives Al Buck designed the "Buck Model 110 Folding Hunter" in 1963. This particular pocket knife was extremly popular back in the day and came with a great leather sheath that fit the knife perfectly (those of us old enough to remember probably still have that knife and sheath to this day). The Buck Model 110 would also fit in your pocket nicely if you didn't have a sheath for it. Roughly a quarter of a century (plus or minus) went by before the next innovation in pocket knives which was the addition of the carry clip. The carry clip, a form-fitted piece of thin spring steel fixed to one of the outsides of the handle, allowed the knife owner to carry the folding knife not only in the packet but now actually on the pocket. Why was this such an innovative idea? It allowed greater accessibility to the folding knife (Steve Tarani, "Folding Knives: Carry & Deployment"). *** "Gdy Mariusz Kaminski walczyl o wolna Polske, Donald Tusk spotykal sie z agentami NRD'owskiej Stasi" - ANDRZEJ POLAK (FB). *** "Polskie elity wywodza sie z klanow bezpieczniacko-nomenklaturowych" - LESZEK PIETRZAK. *** "Mlodzi chca walczyc o niepodleglosc, pomagajmy im" - ANTONI MACIEREWICZ. *** "Kiedy ide ulica, mysle czasami, ze co piata osoba, ktora mijam, uwaza, ze byc moze to ja do spolki z Putinem zabilem prezydenta. A przynajmniej, ze jestem w to zamieszany" - DONALD TUSK ("Wybor"). Zdenerwowany Tusk przypominal swoim zachowaniem Lecha Walese z czerwca 1992 roku. Podczas obalania wowczas rzadu premiera Jana Olszewskiego przez uklad postkatynski agent "Bolek" z trudnoscia panowal nad emocjami. Aktywna role w "nocy teczek" odegral wowczas Donald Tusk. Jego slynne: "Panowie policzmy glosy", przeszlo do historii narodowej hanby... Sluzba Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego winna chronic nie tylko sily zbrojne przed zagrozeniem ze strony obcej agentury, lecz takze jej zwierzchnika. Ale w Smolensku zamordowane zostalo cale dowodztwo polskich Sil Zbrojnych. W dlugiej historii NATO zadne panstwo Sojuszu nie doswiadczylo wiekszej katastrofy (Piotr Grochmalski, "Najlepsi rosyjscy agenci rozpracowywali Polske", GAZETA POLSKA, 5 grudnia 2023).

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