Sunday, March 07, 2021


bedzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus. I Maryja zawsze Dziewica. Niedziela sloneczna i mrozna. Nie wychodzilem z bunkra. Msza swieta wysluchana w Radio Polonia przy polowym oltarzyku. "PAN JEST LASKAWY PELEN MILOSIERDZIA". * * *. Dzis w Ontario zlapano 1299 Kowidow. "Ta stacja telewizyjna TVN jest obecnie wlasnoscia zydowska" - STANISLAW MICHALKIEWICZ. "Na drogach ginie rocznie 3000 osob, ale dzieki temu mamy sprawny transport. Godzimy sie z tym. I slusznie. Pytanie: czy nie lepiej by 20 czy 50 dzieci wiecej padlo ofiara pedofilow - ale reszta traktowala doroslych ufnie i zyla normalnie, bez wpajanego strachu przed pedofilami?" - JANUSZ KORWIN-MIKKE. * * * COVID-19 and anti-Semitism were further conflated recently, when a Vancouver woman ignited a firestorm by designing a T-shirt with the words "COVID CAUST" printed on a yellow star. While she claims it is a statement about masks and vaccines, the imagery and language was hurtful to the Jewish community. Like the coronovirus, anti-Semitism is a social illness. It has caused the deaths of more than six million Jewish children, women and men during the Holocaust and countless more over the last 2,000 years. Over the centuries, Jewish leaders have tried in vain to inoculate their neighbours against the myriad of variants of this hatred. It did not matter, however, if they were communists or capitalists, if they were assimilated or stayed apart in their shtetls (towns), or if they had their own country - they were persecuted either way. To end this pandemic, we have placed our hope in vaccines. In our fight against new variants of anti-Semitism, we need new and innovative global approches to inoculate the world. The same old just doesn't work anymore. We must redouble our efforts, and mobilize international partners, to forge relationships among people of different faiths and educate the world in the hopes that one day, we may all realize that we all face the same fears, hopes and dreams, and that all of humanity must band together against our common enemies, such as COVID-19 (Avi Benlolo, "The many variants of anti-Semitism", NATIONAL POST, Friday, March 5, 2021). * * * "The most genuine Aryans, those who are most Aryan and most sure of their Aryanism are not anti-Semites. On the other hand, in the aggressive anti-Semite one can always detect certain Jewish traits even though his blood is free from any Semitic strain. That is why the most violent anti-Semites are Jews" - OTTO WEININGER.

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