Saturday, June 20, 2020

Pierwszy dzien 
lata zalal nas lawa spiekoty. W takie dni to najlepiej czlowiek sie czuje w dobrze klimatyzowanym samochodzie. Bylem w Brampton. Tam tez skwar niesamowity. Kosciol sw. Eugeniusza de Mazenod. Otwarta tylko niwa + krotka modlitwa.

Z Brampton pojechalismy na poludnie do jeziora Ontario. U ujscia rzeczki The Etobicoke Creek w parku Marie Curtis Park brak miejsc do parkowania. Tlumy. Spiekota. Dzieci kapia sie w jeziorze, ktore smierdzi i cale jest w jakichs zielonkawych glonach. Mlodzi nie patrza, aby sie zanurzyc w wodzie przed tym upalem. W parku ludzie piknikuja. Bogata gama zapachow unosi sie z grylow w powietrzu. Duze drzewa w parku daja schronienie w cieniu. Ulice tez zapchane samochodami. Korki. Wypadki. W ogole kierowcy jezdza bardziej agresywnie i niecierpliwie na ulicach.

The Battle of Warsaw, 1920

"The Jew is a dog, son of a dog, who sows his fleas in every land" - GEN. MIKAIL TUKHACHEVSKI.

   The civil war in Russia threw up one remarkable general - Mikail Tukhachevski. An able soldier, his outlook on civilization so closely reflected the Asiatic side of Bolshevism that to understand the future trend of the Russian Revolution it is worth while to examine it.
   Born in 1892 of a noble family which traced its descent back to the Counts of Flanders, although his mother was an Italian, in character he was Tartar. From her he inherited his Latin looks, black hair, and quick wit which enabled him to probe the Russian within him and the Tartar within the Russian. In 1914 he was gazetted a sub-lieutenant in the Imperial Guard, and in the following year was taken prisoners by the Germans.
   By instinct he was a romantic barbarian who abhorred western civilization. He had the soul of Genghis Khan, of Ogdai and of Btu. Autocratic, superstitious, romantic and ruthless, he loved the open plain lands and the thud of a thousand hoofs, and he loathed and feared the unromantic orderliness of civilization. He hated Christianity and Christian culture because they had obliterated paganism and barbarism and had deprived his fellow countrymen of the ecstasy of the god of war and the glamour of "the carnival of death". Also he loathed the Jews because they had "the morale of capitalism". He said: "The Jew is a dog, son of a dog, who sows his fleas in every land."
   When he was incarcerated at Ingolstadt, he said Fervacque, a fellow prisoner: "A demon or a god animates our race. We shall make ourselves drunk, because we cannot as yet make the world drunk. That will come." Once Fervacque found him painting in discordant colours on a piece of cardboard the head of an atrocious idol. What is that? he asked him. "Do not laugh," replied Tukhachevski, "I have told you that the Slavs are in want of a new religion. They are being given Marxism; but aspects of that theology are too modern and too civilized. It is possible to mitigate that disagreeable state by returning to our Slav gods, who were deprived of their prerogative and strength; nevertheless they can soon regain them. There is Daschbog, the god of the sun; Stribog, the god of the storm; Wolos, the god of human arts and of poetry; and also Pierounn, the god of war and of lighting. For long I have hesitated to choose my particular god; but, after reflection, I have accepted Pierounn, because once Marxism is thrust upon Russia, the most devastating wars will be let loose....We shall enter chaos and we shall not leave it until civilization is reduced to total ruin." (J.F.C. Fuller, "The Battle of Warsaw, 1920", A MILITARY HISTORY OF THE WESTERN WORLD WOLUME III FROM THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR TO THE END OF WORLD WAR II, A Da Capo Paperback, New York 1957).

01:00 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + waze sie przed pojsciem do lozka. 76 kg.

04:10 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + za oknem spiew ptakow.

07:34 Hrs Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + wstaje.

08:04 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

08:35 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 75 kg.

08:44 Hrs. Wrzucam na Facebook + na Twitter: "Consistent pursuit of a goal - Poland's foreign policy in 2015-2020".

09:10 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oliwy z oliwek na pusty zoladek.

09:14 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post". Na okladce:

* The song that came in from the cold. Wind of change was the hair-metal anthem that accompanied the end of the Cold War. One man tried to find out if it was written by the CIA.
* China ups the ante. Canadians Kovring, Spavor charged with espionage. Plus, what it means, and Clement's cartoon.
* Tory feud. O'Toole launches criminal complaint against MacKay team for alleged hacking.
* New allegations. Liberals allowed MP Tabbara to seek re-election despite harassment allegation.
* Game over. Outrageous claims should kill Canadian junior hockey.

Na dworze slonecznie. Upal Radio 640 News podaje temperature w Toronto. 22C. Temperatura na tarasie. 30C + temp. w kuchni. 23C. Temperatura na gorze w biurze. 26C + wilgotnosc powietrza 65%.

09:30 Hrs. Jem kubek 100 g jogurtu ACTIVIA.

10:14 Hrs. Jem 2 smazone jajka + kromka chleba + kiszony ogorek. Temperatura na tarasie. 33C.

10:32 Hrs. Biore gozdzik do zucia.

10:47 Hrs. Odpalam maszyne.

14:12 Hrs. Parkuje po dluzszym krazeniu na parkingu w Maria Curtis Park + jem slodzona bulke + puszka Coca-Cola. Fotka plazy.

16:04 Hrs. W domu. Temperatura na tarasie. 33C + temp. w kuchni. 25C

16:10 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste). Temperatura w biorze na pietrze. 27C + wilgotnosc powietrza 63% +pije 1/2 szklanki wody z lodu.

17:20 Hrs. Jem banana.

18:15 Hrs. Pije szklanke herbaty owocowej ZURAWINA.

18:48 Hrs. Wrzucam na Facebook + na Twitter Western pt. "The Last Traitor".

19:31 Hrs. Temperatura na pietrze w biurze. 29C + wilgotnosc powietrza 63%. Temperatura na tarasie. 30C + temp. w kuchni. 25C.

19:41 Hrs. Jem kielbaske z rusztu  + chrzan + kasza gryczana + kiszony ogorek.

20:50 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody + szczypta soli klodawskiej.

21:13 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

21:50 Hrs. Jem kubek 100 g jogurtu ACTIVIA.

23:03 Hrs. 2-ga szklanka wody.

23:28 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Kobiety poblazliwe dla siebie sa zazwyczaj bardzo srogie dla innych" - HONORE DE MIRABEAU. Jem 2 garstki orzeszkow ziemnych.

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