Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Z powodu szoku

zimowego nie wychodzilem dzis z pizamki + lektura w lozku. "Wiekszosc ludzi uzywa glowy nie do myslenia, lecz do potakiwania" - EVELYN WAUGH. Dzis obchodzona jest 80. rocznica wybuchu powstania w getcie warszawskim. 2-ga izraelska Massada przeciwko zbrodniczym Niemcom. Powstancy nie mieli szans, ale udowodnili swojego ducha wolnosci. Chwala bohaterom! Natomiast duch niewoli i bolszewizmu nie spi. Maci, jak wstretny zdradziecki jezor Moniki Olejnik, ktora uwaza, ze to Polacy sa winni za wymordowanie Zydow w warszawskim getcie. Sianie nienawisci i niezgody pomiedzy Polakami i Zydami to naczelny cel Moskwy. Resortowe dziecko, dziennikarka neonazistowskiego TVN, Olejnik, stala sie obrzydliwymi ustami Putina. *** In April 1943, a Jewish uprising broke out in the ghetto in Warsaw and led to three weeks of fighting in the streets. Although brutally crushed in the end, the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto stands as a supreme moment of heroism in the face of Nazi barbarism ("The World War II Desk Reference"). *** Although most of the victims went passively to their deaths, gulled by the official jargon of "resettlement", there were instances of resistance and uprising. The most heroic took place in the Warsaw ghetto in April 1943. There, a few thousand survivors of the half-million Jews who had been herded into the ghetto refused to obey an evacuation order. With their inadequate weapons, they held out for six weeks, in cellars and sewers, against SS artillery and tanks, until the attackers set fire to the ghetto and captured it (David J. Goldberg, "The Story of The Jews"). *** April 19, 1943. An uprising began in the Warsaw Ghetto as Germans started the final liquidation of the Jewish population there (approx. 70,000 people) Polish and Jewish flags were raised by the (approx. 600) Jewish fighters. Germans used tanks and armored cars and began killing the 35,000 people in the ghetto. Within the ghetto, 7,000 Jews were killed during the uprising - 6,000 were burned alive in the buildings. All buildings in the ghetto were destroyed. Germans used a total of about 2,000 men in combat, including Alsatian SS, who were French citizens. Casualties were suffered by both sides - Jewish fighters, and Polish resistance soldiers; German SS-men, military police, and Wehrmacht as well as Lithuanian guards. The ghetto walls were broken in several places and hundreds of Jews were able to cross to the "Aryan" side. The struggle lasted until May 8. After May 10 sporadic fighting went on in the ruins. Marian Fuks analyzed Polish help to Jewish fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto in the bulletin of the Jewish Historical Institute in Poland (July-December 1989); he stated on p.44: "It is an absolutely certain fact that without help and even the active participation of the Polish resistance movement it would have not been possible at all to bring about the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto" ("Jews in Poland: A Documentary History by Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski").

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