Saturday, June 28, 2008



"Goniec" (27 VI - 3 VII 2008 -

* Z nienawisci do zony wysadzil dom w Mississaudze?
* GO z Milton w obie strony!
* Nokaut Rosjan!
* Bruksela wykonczy polskie stocznie?
* Rewolucja w sieci
* Wolny kraj uzbrojonych ludzi.
Jedna fotografia: Protest polskich stoczniowcow w Brukseli.

"Gazeta" ( 27 -29 czerwca 2008 -

* "Solidarnosc" na ulicach Brukseli (Polska nie dostanie wiecej czasu w sprawie stoczni).
* Szansa na uratowanie najstarszej polskiej parafii w Toronto.
* Hiszpanski Nobel dla kanadyjskiej pisarki.
* Toksyny bronia dostepu do zatopionego promu.
* Fotyga w USA rozmawia o tarczy.
* Polskie miasta wyroznione.
Cztery fotografie (1) Polscy stoczniowcy protestuja 25 bm. przed budynkiem KE w Brukseli; (2) Z takim transparentem parafianie udali sie na spotkanie z kardynalem Dziwiszem; (3) Kanadyjska pisarka, 68-letnia Margaret Atwood na zdjeciu z 16 kwietnia 2005 roku; (4) Podwodne zdjecie wraku promu "Princess of Stars", ktory kilka dni temu zatonal z ponad 800 osobami na pokladzie u wybrzezy wyspy Sibuyan.

08:30 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "The Philadelphia Trumpet" (

For 30 years, Rome has been sounding a clarion call to Europe to return to its cultural and spiritual roots. It started with Pope John Paul II in 1981, who sought to beat back the onslaught of secularism, liberalism and pan-Islamism with this battle cry: "It can be said that the European identity is not understandable without Christianity and that it is precisely in Christianity that are found those common roots by which the Continent has seen its civilization mature..." The pope then cried out to all Europe, "Find yourself again. Be yourself. Discover your origins, revive your roots. Return to those authentic values which made your history a glorious and your presence so beneficent in the other continents."
Pope Benedict XVI is repeating that call. In July 2005, he prayed for God "to stop the murderous hand of those who, driven by fanaticism and hatred," commit acts of terrorism. He then returned to the same theme introduced by his predecessor: the need for Europeans to return to their Christian roots. He quoted John Paul II's "revive your roots" speech.
The pope's speech in Regensburg, Germany, came 14 months later. In that speech, the world's attention was caught by a quote Benedict used from a dialogue between Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Paleologus and an educated Persian on the subject of Christianity and Islam: "Show me just what Mohammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
Since then, Pope Benedict has increasingly emphasized the need for adherants to the Church of Rome to undertake a new evangelism for their faith (Ron Fraser, "Islam Pushes, Europe Reacts", THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET, June-July 2008)

11:00-12:00 Hrs. Ogladam "Polish Studio". Duzo o Bolku. Takze o moim proboszczu z okresu ottawskiego o. Kosianie i jego 50-leciu pracy duszpasterskiej.

13:00 Hrs. Na kanale HIST 43 ogladam dokument "Tanks". Examining the development of the Russian KV series heavy tanks.

18:36 Hrs. W Toronto jest "odzial wzorowy" firmy KOMANDOR POLAND ( - mowi szlachcic Jacek Kozlowski CEO tej globalnej polskiej firmy, ktorej odzialy znajduja sie juz w 42 krajach w programie "Z ukosa".

Tadeusz Gajl w "Herby Szlacheckie Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodow", zacne szlacheckie rodziny KOZLOWSKI przypisuje do klanow: Drogoslaw, Drya, Jastrzebiec, Korzbok, Lis, Lubicz, Nalecz, Ostoja, Podkowa, Poraj, Sas, Strzala, Slepowron, Wieze, Kozlowski.

23:05 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza. Dzis sobota. 28 czerwca 2008. Zmawiam Tajemnice radosne. Dzien krotszy od najdluzszego dnia w roku o 3 minuty. Imnieniny Ireneusza, Leona, Benigny, Amosa, Raissy, Wincencji.

1878 - Urodzil sie Stanislaw Brzozowski, pseud. Adam Czepiel, krytyk literacki, filozof, publicysta i pisarz; najwybitniejszy krytyk literacki okresu Mlodej Polski; tworca tzw. filozofii pracy (zm. 1911 r.).
1998 - Zmarl profesor Zbigniew Garnuszewski, lekarz ftyzjatra, propagator akupunktury jako metody leczenia (ur. 1917 r.).

Rob nie to, co najtrudniej, ani to, co najlatwiej, ale to, co najsluszniej.
STANISLAW BRZOZOWSKI ("Kalendarz Rodzinny").

Narkotyki za kierownica
Przez dziesiec lat statystyki wskazuja wzrost liczby incydentow jazdy samochodem pod wplywem narkotykow. Narwszczie prawo po raz pierwszy zaczyna sie tym problemem powaznie zajmowac.
Do tej pory, policjanci podejrzewajacy kierowce o to, ze zazywal narkotyki nie dysponowali testami wykrywajacymi poziom nielegalnych substancji. Ale jak czytamy w wywiadzie 680News z Dougiem Beirnessem z Kanadyjskiego Centrum ds. Uzaleznien, to sie niedlugo zmieni dzieki ustawie C-2.
"Pozwala ona policji zadac od kierowcy poddania sie testowi trzezwosci i badaniu wykrywajacemu obecnosc narkotykow w organizmie".
Badania wykazuja, ze prawie 30 procent wypadkow smiertelnych na drogach powiazanych jest z zazyciem przez kierowcow narkotykow. Nowa ustawa zaczyna obowiazywac za tydzien (GAZETA 124, 27 - 29 czerwca 2008).

Bar owner fears his business could go to pot after human rights ruling
TORONTO * A sports bar owner said he risks breaking the law and could lose his licence if he signs an agreement to settle a complaint at the Ontario Human Rights Commission to allow a patron to smoke medical marijuana outside the bar's front door.
Ted Kindos, owner of Gator Ted's Tap and Grill in Burlington accuses the commission of overstepping its bounds and said he could face sanctions under provincial liquor laws prohibiting controlled substances from being consumed where alcohol is served if he agrees to allow Steve Gibson to light up. "I have no intentions of signing it," Mr. Kindos said. "I can't take the chance of having my liquor licence taken away. That is my livelihood, and I don't feel this agreement puts me in a position, where my licence is protected."
Mr. Gibson, who has been authorized by Ottawa to smoke marijuana for medical purposes to alleviate pain from a neck injury, brought the complaint to the Ontario Human Rights Commission three years ago.
He alleges Mr. Kindos discriminated against him by not allowing him to smoke his marijuana outside the bar and for making no effort to find any solution - such as smoking outside the back door.
The dispute was to be heard by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal in the spring, but hearings were adjourned after Mr. Kindos, Mr. Gibson and the commission agreed to negotiate a settlement.
Mr. Kindos said he now has no choice but to continue arguing his case before the human rights tribunal because having to break the law to accommodate Mr. Gibson is "not right."
Lisa Murray, a spokeswoman for the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, said there are no prvisions or exemptions for the use of medical marijuana in the Liquor Licence Act, and any changes to the law would be under the purview of the legislature.
Bar owners could face a warning, suspension or a revocation of their licence depending on the circumstances of any infraction, but she added "Licensees, because of the way the act is written, could be concerned [that] someone smoking marijuana outside ... may put them in breach."
A spokesman for Health Canada said individuals who are authorized to possess marijuana for medical purposes are required to abide by all other applicable federal, provincial and municipal legislation, such as laws restricting smoking in public places.
Afroze Edwards, a spokeswoman for the Ontario Human Rights Commission, said the case was not about marijuana but the "duty to accommodate" someone who has a disability.
She said the Ontario Human Rights Code supersedes all other legislation, unless there is a specific exemption to exclude it written into a law.
Canwest News Service (NATIONA POST, Saturday, June 28, 2008).

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