Monday, September 24, 2007



"Goniec" (21-27 wrzesnia 2007 -

* Szanujmy przyjaciol i walczmy z wrogami (Jerzy Robert Nowak specjalnie dla "Gonca").
* Zimna wojna domowa (Rozmowa ze Stanislawem Michalkiewiczem).
* Kanada powinna zniesc wizy.
* Nowe okregi na nowe wybory.
* Naukowcy rosyjscy dowodza...
Jedna fotografia: Jerzy Robert Nowak.

"Gazeta" (21-23 wrzesnia 2007 -

* Miller grabarzem lewicy!!!
* Rosja nie rezygnuje z Arktyki.
* Kosciol tylko nalega, zeby glosowac.
* Rosyjskie bombowce prowokuja.
* Ostatni weekend lata...
* Dolar przegonil dolara.
Dwie fotografie: (1) Byly premier Leszek Miller podczas konferencji prasowej w Lodzi; (2) Kadr z rosyjskiej telewizji przedstawia 20 bm. ilustracje obrazujaca niedawna rosyjska wyprawe w okolice bieguna polnocnego.

06:28 Hrs. Czy te oczy moga klamac? Chyba nie - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze ciemno. 13-stopniowo. W dzienniku: Szlachcic Gosiewski z PiS-u przeprasza braci Pawliczkow z PO za nazwanie ich "grupa przestepcza". Szlachic Lech Kaczynski w U.S.A.

06:50 Hrs. Wiem, ze jestesmy tak rozni, jak dwie strony ognia - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto. Wiezdzam na parking.
ESSO, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.97.8.

16:57 Hrs. "My way or the highway" - spiewa Studebaker John & The Hawks na BLUES 727. Przegladam "Toronto Sun".

An al-Qaida umbrella group in Iraq posted a video tape yesterday showing the execution of five kidnapped Iraqi army officers.
The tape, posted by the Islamic State of Iraq, shows a masked gunman shooting the blindfolded officers in the back of the head with a pistol. The officers' hands are bound behind their backs during the shooting ("Al-Qaida: Tape shows executions", SUNDAY SUN September 23, 2007).

"Wprowadzali skazanych, sprawdzali dane, a gdy przekonali sie, ze to czlowiek, ktory ma byc rozstrzelany, niezwlocznie zakladali mu kajdanki i wprowadzali do celi, gdzie dokonywano rozstrzelania. (...) Wprowadzali do celi i strzelali w potylice. (...) Widowisko to najwidoczniej bylo okropne, skoro Rubanow postradal zmysly" ("Tata nie wroci. Jeszcze jedno uderzenie lopaty - i spod warstwy ziemi wylonil sie kawalek munduru polskiego oficera", PRZEGLAD TYGODNIOWY, 21 wrzesnia 2007).

De Hoop Scheffer said Afghanistan was "on its way to the Middle Ages" when the Taliban ruled, and warned that abandoning the country could mean a return to the failed state of 2001 that flouted human rights and harboured terrorist training camps.
"They were among the worst human rights violators the world has seen - no women's rights, public executions. Do not forget our opponents, our enemy, is burning people, hanging teachers from trees, burning schools, beheading women," he said. "It is such a different moral category these opponents, these Taliban, that I say abandoning people to brutality is simply something we can not afford" (Kathleen Harris, "War against brutality. NATO boss urges Canada to stay course", TORONTO SUN, Monday, September 24, 2007).

Wedlug ankiety popularnego w Kanadzie magazynu dla kobiet "Chatelaine", na pytanie "Do you use marijuana?" Czytelniczki odpowiedzialy:

Age 18-34 Yes 17% No 83%
Age 35-49 Yes 11% No 89%
Age 50+ Yes 6% No 94% ("Reader Survey", CHATELAINE, October 2007).

NATO has feet of clay

What is the point of having NATO, supposedly the world's most powerful millitary alliance, if most of its member nations aren't willing to fight? It is NATO, not the Taliban, which could easily become the next casualty of war in Afghanistan, given how many NATO countries are cynically prepared to offer President Hamid Karzai any assistance, short of help.
A handful of nations, including Canada, are doing the fighting for NATO in Afghanistan, while too many others such as France, Germany, Spain and Italy have effectively cut an run. They have troops in the country, but keep them away from combat.
Last week, a worried Karzai granted an exclusive interview to Canadian journalists to appeal directly to Canadians, asking us to keep our 2,500 soldiers in Kandahar past their scheduled departure date of February, 2009.
He warned Canada's withdrawal could set off a domino effect inside NATO. One that could lead to his government's collapse and the resurgence of the Taliban - who would turn Afghanistan into a terrorist training camp for attacks against the West, as it was before 9/11.
Karzai's right. Securing Afghanistan will take decades, not a few more years. Defence Minister Peter MacKay has been saying the right things about the importance of Canada's NATO partners stepping up to the plate.
But the political reality is that Prime Minister Stephen Harper, while he may personally support extending the mission, has promised not to do so without Parliament's consent. The three opposition parties, which control the majority of seats, are against it, as are most Canadians.
While regrettable, their position is understandable. By early 2009, our troops will have been fighting - and dying - helping to free and rebuild Afghanistan for seven years, the last three in deadly Kandahar.
Unlike others in NATO, Canada answered the call. Our soldiers should be proud of all they have accomplished and all they will continue to accomplish as long as we ask it of them. But if Afghanistan collapses into anarchy, the fault will not be Canada's. It will be NATO's. for waving the white flaf of surrender.
- Lorrie Goldstein ("Comment", TORONTO SUN, Monday, September 24, 2007).

Jak szlachcic z chlopem

Szlachcic Krzysztof Bak, reporter Radia ZET, przepytal chlopa Boguslawa Leppera. Ambitny chlop kandyduje w przyszlych wyborach na senatora. Bezdzietny kawaler. 35 lat. Poszukuje zony.

Zbigniew Leszczyc w "Herby Szlachty Polskiej", zacne szlacheckie rodziny BAK przypisuje do klanu Zadora. O ZADORZE tak natomiast powiada: "W niebieskim polu zwrocona na prawo glowa lwa, z otwartej paszczy wybucha piecioplomienny ogien, na helmie taka sama glowa lwa".

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