Thursday, March 23, 2017

Slonce za

dnia + temperatura rosnie. Cos wyjatkowy wsrost arytmii. Glownie w lozku.


800 Years As a Sovereign Country

400 Years Europe's Largest
Political Nation of Free Citizens

300 Years a Great Power of Europe

300 Years Europe's
Largest Territory

60 years Absent
From the Map of Europe
(Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, "Poland: A Historical Atlas", HIPPOCRENE BOOKS, New York, 1988).

"Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man" - US DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION (1988).

If you are reading this book, there's a good chance you are new to cannabis. However, cannabis is not new to you. Humans have cultivated and consumed the flowering tops of the female cannabis plant, colloquially known as marijuana, since virtually the beginning of recorded history. Cannabis-based textiles dating back do 7000 BCE have been recovered in northern China, and the plant's use as a medicinal, spiritual, nutritional, and mood-enhancing agent dates back nearly as far.
Modern cultures continue to utilize the cannabis plant for these same purposes, despite its stigmatization and criminal prohibition over the better part of the past century. In the United Stated, Congress first outlawed cannabis in 1937 by passing the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. Federal lawmakers doubled down on cannabis prohibition in 1970 by classifying the plant, and all of its biologically active organic compounds, as Schedule I controlled substances. This flat-Earth position alleges that cannabis's risks to health are equal to those of heroin, and that the plant possesses "no currently accepted medical use in the United States, according to the official definition of a Schedule I drug.
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) initially challenged this classification in 1972. As a result of this legal suit, in 1988 the US Drug Enforcement Administration's own administrative law judge opined, "Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man" and ordered the plant to be rescheduled. The agency ultimately rejected this order and, in the years since, has disallowed a series of additional legal challenges, stating that cannabis fails to possess therapeautic efficacy and has not been accepted as a treatment option by qualified experts.
This stance is woefully out of step with public, medical, and scientific opinion. Recent polls indicate that upward of 85 percent of Americans believe that cannabis ought to be legal when authorized by a physician, while nearly 60 percent of voters endorse permitting the plant's use to anyone over the age of 21. Twenty-three states and Washington, DC, has enacted legislation authorising cannabis therapy. Four states have elected to regulate plant's commercial production and sale to all adults. And another 15 states have taken steps to permit the use o cannabinoid known for its anticonvulsant activity, by qualified patients.
Health professionals are also becoming increasingly comfortable with the use of cannabis as a viable treatment option, particularly as an alternative to opioid painkillers. In fact, data published in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds that opiate-related mortality is significantly lower in states where medical cannabis is permitted as compared to states where the plant remains prohibited. Medical associations like the American Nurses Association and the Epilepsy Foundation of America are on record in support of providing patients with safe, legal access to cannabis. A 2014 WebMD survey reported that nearly 7 in 10 physicians, including over 80 percent of oncologists, believe that cannabis provides legitimate therapeutic benefit to their patients.
Science substantiates their opinions. Unlike conventional pharmaceuticals, the cannabis plant enjoys a long history of human use, thus providing society with ample empirical evidence as to its relative safety and efficacy. Moreover, despite cannabis's modern-day politicization, the plant and its compounds have nonetheless been subject to extensive scientific scrutiny. A search using the term marijuana on, the website of the United States National Library of Medicine, yields more than 22,000 scientific papers referencing the plant of its constituents. By comparison, a keyword search using the term hydrocodone (a commonly prescribed opioid) yields fewer than 1,0000 citations, and a search using the term Adderall (a frequently prescribed stimulant for ADHD patients) yields fewer than 200 total papers.
Among this extensive body of literature are over 100 controlled clinical studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of cannabis and its components in various patient populations. A 2012 review of recent of recent FDA-approved trials of herbal cannabis, published in the scientific publication The Open Neurology Journal, concludes, "Based on evidence currently available the Schedule I classification [for cannabis] is not tenable; it is not accurate that cannabis has no medical value, or that information on safety is lacking."
As you read this book, it will become apparent that the US government hasn't been upfront with you about the cannabis plant. Cannabis does not deserve its Schedule I restrictive status; it is not lacking in safety of therapeutic utility. It is also untrue that the science surrounding cannabis, its mechanisms of action and humans' relationship with it, is not well understood. In reality, we as a society know plenty about cannabis, as well as about the failures of cannabis prohibition. It's time to allow people the option to consume a botanical product that is objectively safer than the litany of pharmaceutical and recreational substances it could replace (Paul Armentano, Deputy Director of NORML, "Foreword", in Laurie Wolf and Mary Wolf, "THE MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARY,"  Althea Press, Berkeley, CA 2016).

00:23 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody z 2 lyzkami octu jablkowego.

01:02 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

03:23 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

04:54 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + lekko puszyste).

06:00 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

07:17 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + za oknem wstajace slonce + niebieskie niebo.

08:00 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + slonce w pelni na blekitnym niebie + wstaje. Na dworze minus 8-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 23C. + zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Naukowiec to taki, co wymyslil ten wyraz!" - HUGO DIONIZY STEINHAUS.

08:05 Hrs. Wstawiam sloik wody przegotowanej do zamrazalnika na wode strukturyzowana.

08:35 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

09:50 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 71 kg + arytmia + lekko spuchniete kostki u nog + gole sie + klade na twarz krem konopny + robie gimnastyczny Full Royal Stretch.

10:00 Hrs. Biore lyzke oleju konopnego RICHARDO'S (skonczyla sie litrowa butelka).

10:35 Hrs. Jem kubek 100 g jogurtu OIKOS.

10:54 Hrs. Wrzucam na Twitter + Facebook artykul z "Epoch Times" pt. "UK attacker had been previously investigated for extremism."

11:45 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

11:25 Hrs. Pije szklanke herbaty owocowej ZURAWINA + 4 sezamki + 2 tabletki 560 mg (1120 mg) magnezu Bisglycinate + tabletka potasu Slow-K 600 mg.

12:55 Hrs. Budze sie + siusiu (slomkowe).

13:12 Hrs. Jem miseczke kaszy mannej na mleku z rodzynkami + 3 lyzeczki syropu klonowego.

13:15 Hrs. Wyjmuje ze skrzynki na listy "National Post" z "Horror outside the House. Lone terrorist uses car to launch attack in the shadow of Big Ben, leaves four dead" na okladce. Na dworze slonce. Temp. na tarasie 7C.

14:04 Hrs. 2-ga lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

14:27 Hrs. Jem jablko.

15:16 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste) + 2-ga szklanka wody strukturyzowanej.

15:26 Hrs. Wyjmuje poczte ze skrzynki pocztowej + magazyn "Guns & Ammo" z "Hornady Black. 14  Loads Turned To Run Black Guns" na okladce. Na stole w kuchni lezy prasa polonijna. "Glos". Na okladce:

* Najciekawsze komentarze tygodnia.
* Kilkudziesieciu milionerow wsrod polskich prokuratorow!
* Polacy zbiednieli przez Unie Europejska!
* Trump obniza podatki, PiS przeciw.
* Byl ostatnia osoba, ktora chciala sie zabic. O zabojstwie Andrzeja Leppera z Wojciechem Sumlinskim, dziennikarzem sledczym, autorem ksiazki Niebezpieczne zwiazki Andrzeja Leppera rozmawiala Aldona Zaorska.
* Szkocki historyk: Dawniej to z Wysp Brytyjskich do Polski jezdzilo sie na zmywak!

"Gazeta". Na okladce:

* Sromotna porazka PiS w Brukseli; miazdzaca wygrana Tuska!
* Tak minal tydzien w Kanadzie.
* Rekordowe granie WOSP.
* Szydlo nie udalo sie uniewaznic szczytu.
Jedna fotografia: Konferencja prasowa Donalda Tuska po zakonczeniu pierwszej czesci szczytu w Brukseli.

5 gazet bezplatnych: "zycie" z "10 bledow w zywieniu malych dzieci" na okladce + "Wiadomosci" z "Terror w Londynie" na okladce + "Nowy Przeglad" z "Centralny Port Lotniczy w Polsce" na okladce + "Merkuriusz polski" z "Atak terrorystyczny w Londynie. 20 osob rannych, 4 ofiary smiertelne" na okladce + "Puls" z "Przepraszam - czy to juz na pewno wiosna?" na okladce.

15:47 Hrs. Jem pojemnik 170 g jerzyn.

16:25 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + jem jajko gotowane na twardo + 3-cia szklanka wody strukturyzowanej.

17:06 Hrs. Jem jablko.

17:29 Hrs. Siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + lekko puszyste).

18:03 Hrs. Siusiu (prawie przezroczyste) + 4-ta szklanka wody strukturyzowanej.

18:41 Hrs. Wkladam zo zamrazalnika sloik z przegotowana woda na wode strukturyzowana.

19:20 Hrs. Siusiu (prawie przezroczyste).

19:30 Hrs. 5-ta szklanka wody + 2 lyzki octu jablkowego.

19:46 Hrs. Talerzyk bigosu + 2 kromki chleba razowego.

21:44 Hrs. Pije szklanke herbaty ziolowej SKRZYP + torunski piernik + kromka chleba posmarowana maselkiem Nutella  + 2 kapsulki 100 mg (200 mg) koenzymu Coenzyme Q10 + tabletka 150 mg witaminy B6 + tabletka witaminy B100 Complex + tabletka 1000 mg witaminy C.

22:20 Hrs Podnosze z werandy lokalna gazeta "The Villager Bloor West - Parkdale" z "Craft distilleries unhappy with regulation revamp" na okladce + 14 reklamowych ulotek.

22:30 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + 6-ta szklanka wody z 2 lyzkami octu jablkowego.

22:35 Hrs. Jem kawalek czekolady 85%.

23:33 Hrs. Jem jablko.

23:58 Hrs. 7-ma szklanka wody strukturyzowanej.

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