Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"Kto w kwietniu skreta

z maryski nie zapalil
Ten sie bedzie caly rok w piekle smalil"

Kwiecien to tradycyjnie miesiac marihuany. 20 kwietnia to swieto "4/20". Dzien marihuany. We wszystkich cywilizowanych krajach jest on hucznie obchodzony, glownie przez mlodziez. Zwolennicy ziolka demonstruja na ulicach, przed parlamentami. Odchodzi tez zbiorowe palenie trawki, marsze, wiece i rozne inne zabawy aktywistow (w tym i politycznych) legalizacji marihuany.

We wczorajszym "Toronto Star" (http://www.thestar.com/) zamieszczone jest na pol strony kolorowe zdjecie. Setki kolorowej mlodziezy biwakuje na trawniku przed parlamentem Kanady w Ottawie. Z przodu wbita ogromna flaga Kanady z wpisanym zielonym lisciem marihuany na czerwonym lisciu klonowym, symbolu Kanady.

Pot smokers enjoy a little grass time as they celebrate their unofficial holiday, Four Twenty, in Ottawa.

Thousands of people wait for 4:20 p.m. to smoke marijuana in a demonstration on Parliament Hill in Ottawa yesterday. The event is held April 20 to reflect the drug culture term 4/20. The slang is said to stem from a group of California teens in the 1970s who met at that time after school to get high (TORONTO STAR, Monday, April 21, 2008).

05:17 Hrs. http://www.cp24.com/ podaje: "Marijuana users rally in Niagara Falls to legalize pot". Takze temp. 11C. Ja racze sie trzema kawalkami babki + cherbatka.

05:30 Hrs. Lektura tronowa "Polityka".

To nie pierwsza wypowiedz Williamsa w podobnym duchu. Pod koniec zeszlego roku nazwal muzulmanow Dobrymi Samarytanami, czyli spolecznoscia wysokich zasad moralnych, i chwalil ich, ze modla sie piec razy dziennie (co w ustach biskupa kraju mocno zsekularyzowanego nie powinno dziwic). Krytykowal zas "chrzescijanski syjonizm", czyli poparcie chrzescijanskich konserwatystow religijnych dla polityki Izraela wobec Arabow, oraz imperialne zachowania USA, "gorsze od brytyjskich z czasow Imperium". Po atakach z 11 wrzesnia Williams wdal sie w rozwazania nad etosem zamachowcow. Potepil interwencje w Iraku. Konserwatystom narazil sie takze liberalnym stosunkiem do problemu gejow w Kosciele. Jest przeciw aktywnemu homoseksualizmowi duchownych, ale za tolerancja (Adam Szostakiewicz, "ABC Islamu. Zwierzchnik Kosciola Anglii wywolal burze stwierdzeniem, ze miejscowe prawo bedzie musialo adoptowac elementy szariatu", POLITYKA nr 10 (2644, 8 marca 2008).

06:25 Hrs. Cale miasto spi... Szukam drugiej czesci. Nigdzie nie ma jej - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze slonecznie. 12-stopniowo. Spiew ptakow. Paczki pokazuja sie na krzewach i drzewach. W dzienniku: W czerwcu bedzie nowy rzecznik praw dziecka. "Berliner Zeitung" namawia do lepszej wspolpracy i pojednania pomiedzy Polska i Niemcami. Dzisiaj "Dzien Ziemi". Obchodzony juz od 38 lat.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.19.2.

06:48 Hrs. Parkuje w pracy. W radiu unosi sie: "Nic nie moze przeciez wiecznie trwac".

15:23 Hrs. Believe me. You do not have to be scared of me - spiewa Kathleen Edwards na CBC RADIO ONE (http://www.cbcnews.ca/). Na dworzu slonecznie. 20-stopniowo. Dwie szyby w samochodzie otwarte.

17:13 Hrs. Spogladam na kalendarz ANIXTER (http://www.anixter.ca/). Pod Tuesday April 22, 2008 stoi Earth Day. Takze w kwietniu reklamuje sie PELCO (http://www.pelco.com/).

Richard Cowan, wydawca strony internetowej:


uwaza, ze RCMP jest V kolumna w Kanadzie. Nie chronia interesow Kanady, poniewaz dzialaja na rzecz amerykanskiej trockistowskiej wojny z narkotykami.

When I started Marijuana News.com ten years ago, I put the subheading on my Canadian index page, "Uh Oh, Canada! Canada presents DEA-land prohibitionists with an impossible problem. They are too white to invade and too close to ignore." (At that time) I was joking, but as I followed events in Canada, it became increasingly clear that the US did not need to invade Canada. It was already occupied by a force that was all too willing to sacrifice their nation's freedom and sovereignty to the US. No joke!...

The RCMP was directly interfering in the electoral process, spouting the prohibitionist party line...

In February of 2008, the Harper government is going to ignore the will of the majority of the Canadian people, and the total failure of similar US policies, to try to impose the police agenda on his citizens.
The prohibitionist counterattack in Canada has been years in the making. It has never been a secret. I have documented it entirely from public sources. Even as the RCMP has been rocked by scandal after scandal, the police have been getting more and more power.
Canadians need to understand that this is not about marijuana. It is about the freedom of the Canadian people and the sovereignty of the Canadian nation. If you lose your freedom, don't blame America. You let it happen and more than one American has been trying to tell you this for years (Richard Cowan, "The Prohibitionist Counterattack in Canada has been years in the making", TREATING YOURSELF, Issue 11 Spring 2008 - http://www.treatingyourself.com/).

It was 1965; there was a restless spirit in America. But Bill McVeigh felt no kinship with the rebellious side of his generation. Though others were starting to talk of dropping out of society, smoking pot and protesting against the government, Bill harbored no feelings of resentment toward his country...

Drug use by soldiers bothered McVeigh; he didn't like the idea that someday he might have to depend on a stoned soldier for his life...
"Don't smoke pot in my car," McVeigh told fellow soldiers, "because we have to take urine tests" (Lou Michel and Dan Herbeck, "American Terrorist Timoty McVeigh & the Oklahoma City bombing").

17:47 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza. Dzisiaj wtorek. 22 kwietnia 2008. Dzien dluzszy od najkrotszego dnia w roku o 6 godzin i 42 minuty. Imieniny Leona, Kai, Heliodora, Teodora, Lukasza, Sotera.

1908 - Urodzila sie Janina Lewandowska, ppop. pilot, czlonek Aeroklubu Poznanskiego; zginela zamordowana w Katyniu (1940 r.) jako jedyna kobieta wsrod zabitych.
1908 - Urodzila sie Ludwika Wawrzynska, nauczycielka; 8 II 1955 r. uratowala czworo dzieci z plonacego domu; zmarla kilka dni pozniej z powodu dotkliwych poparzen.

Tyle wiemy o sobie,
ile nas sprawdzono.
WIESLAWA SZYMBORSKA ("Kalendarz Rodzinny").

Dwaj zwolennicy Baracka Obamy o polskich korzeniach: byly ambasador USA w Warszawie nicholas Rey i ekspert ds. Rosji Mark Brzezinski agitowali w Pensylwanii w srodowiskach polonijnych... ("Zachecaja Polonie do glosowania na Baracka Obame", GAZETA - http://www.gazetagazeta.com/artman/publish/article_22569.shtml).


Tadeusz Gajl w "Herby Szlacheckie Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodow", zacne szlacheckie rodziny REY (REJ)przypisuje do klanu Oksza. Zas zacne szlacheckie rodziny BRZEZINSKI do klanow: Abdank, Doliwa, Gryf, Kosciesza, Lubicz, Lubowla, Labedz, Poraj, Prus I, Prus III, Radwan, Topor, Traby, Zabawa.

Yesterday afternoon, stoners around the world celebrated April 20 - 4/20 being a slang term for marijuana - by sitting on the couch, lighting up a joint, playing some Bob and staving off the munchies with various fine foods, such as Cool Ranch Doritos or McCain Deep'n Delicious cake.
But perhaps the most important ritual for any such celebration is the stoner movie. There used to be only a handful of classics to choose from, like Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke (1978) or the cult exploitation film of 1936, Reefer Madness, to be viewed ironically, of course. But in the 1990s, a whole bunch of weed-themed cinema cropped up... (Vanessa Farquharson, "Don't Bogart that genre, my friend. How the nerds took the stoner comedy back from the jocks", NATIONAL POST, Monday, April 21, 2008 - http://www.nationalpost.com/todays_paper/story.html?id=459884).

Protesters high on legalization
1,000 turn out to smoke pot on 4/20 as cops watch
Sun Media

The sky was clear and sunny, but a smoky haze hung over College Park yesterday afternoon. Around 1,000 people turned out for Puff, Puff, Protest, calling for the legalization of marijuana. Unlike most demonstrations, there were no banners, few signs and only a message written in chalk on the concrete terrace, calling for the freedom to smoke.
Most participants showed their support by puffing joints or inhaling from a glass bong. "It's a day of celebrating the cannabis culture," said Davin Christensen, organizer and founder of the Toronto Seed Bank. "Everyone is laid back and enjoying themselves. Where alse do you get a cross between every race, creed, age, gender and sexual orientation hanging out in peace?"
The event marked the stoner holiday of 4/20, considered by some to be the international day to smoke marijuana. So it was with little surprise that when the clock struck 4:20 p.m. on April 20, nearly everyone in the crowd lit up a joint, filling the air with the scent of marijuana.
Many spoted T-shirts with pro-pot slogans or marijuana leaves. Two women wore green, pot pixie costumes, and one man dressed up as a life-sized bong. Tracey Churley, one of the pot pixies, said the legalization of marijuana boils down to a health issue. "Everybody should be getting a safe, clean source for their smoke. You never know what you're getting when you buy off the street," said Churley, the co-ordinator of the Toronto Compassion Centre.
Police stopped by the rally a number of times, but remained on their bicycles at the fringe of the park. Although people were smoking less than five metres away from them, no arrests took place (TORONTO SUN, Monday, April 21, 2008).

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