Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jak rzad Kanady handluje


Kazdy siedzacy w temacie wie, ze marihuana oprocz tego, ze jest zarzywka typu rekreacyjnego, jak alkohol, to takze jest lekarstwem. Rzad Kanady broniac sie przed przyszlymi class-action ludzi chorych ktorym panstwo zabronilo lekarstwa, wymyslil, ze sam bedzie tym narkotykiem handlowal.

Stworzono specjalne licencje, ktore dostaja osoby z chronicznymi chorobami. Ale musza maryske kupowac od rzadowego dilera. A ten przeciez jest legalnym i do tego panstwowym, no i oczywiscie monopolista, to dlaczego mialby nie zarobic na ludziach chorych.
Rzad zaczal produkowac wlasna maryske, z tym, ze marnej jakosci, tylko dwa rodzaje, kiedy prywatni hodowcy dysponuja juz 1,200 rodzajami maryski, i droga jak cholera.

Ludzie chorzy olewaja panstwowa maryske i kupuja od prywatnych nielegalnych hodowcow. Tylko zacpany biurokrata kanadyjski mogl wymyslec taka sytuacje. Diler rzadowy zarabia na nieszczesciu obywatela. Wedlug klasycznej definicji panstwa, rola panstwa powinno byc uszczesliwianie obywatela, a nie robieniu pieniedzy na nieszczesciu jego. No, ale co klasyka ma z rzeczywistoscia?

Federal pot on spot
Medical marijuana users are on the hook for more than $500,000 in unpaid bills for government-certified weed, raising questions about the effectiveness of Health Canada's troubled dope program.
Newly disclosed statistics show that Health Canada has sent final notices - and sometimes dispatched a collection agency as well - to 462 registered users since government marijuana first became available in 2003. "Most of the 462 individuals who have received a letter regarding their accounts in arrears have had their shipment ceased," department spokesman Paul Duchesne said in an e-mail.
The unpaid bills, totalling $554,255 as of Dec. 31, have tripled in value in the last two years and have resulted in some seriously ill citizens returning to the black market for their medication.
Jason Wilcox of Victoria currently owes Health Canada $6,770.06, a number that will increase with interest charges each month.
Wilcox, 37, has been HIV-positive since at least 1993, and needs 10 grams of marijuana daily for nausea, for severe pain in his foot and to help him sleep.
He says he became angry on learning that Health Canada charges users 1,500 per cent more than it pays Prairie Plant Systems for the dope. "At that point, I refused to pay," he said in an interview. "Also, not to mention that their product is crap."
-THE CANADIAN PRESS (24 HOURS, Monday, April 14, 2008).

06:26 Hrs. Tu nie wolno glosno smiac sie... Strzez sie tych miejsc - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze zimno. Minus 1-stopniowo. Jasno. Niebo blekitne. Na wschodzie rozowa luna wstajacego slonca. Ptaki spiewaja. W dzienniku: Znicze pamieci i modlitwa w 65. rocznice wybuchu powstania w getcie warszawskim. Piotr Misztal otrzymal list zelazny. Moze wrocic z USA do Polski i nie bedzie aresztowany. Putin przewodniczacym partii Jedna Rosja.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.15.2.

06:41 Hrs. Z przodu, slonce odbija sie w szklanych wiezowcach. W lusterku czerwona kula slonca oslepia. Zakladam sloneczne okulary.

06:52 Hrs. W poniedzialek trzeba walczyc, po pijaku sil nie starczy - unosi sie w PRT 1320 AM gdy parkuje na parkingu w pracy. Na dachu hurtownii 5 gesi kanadyjskich groznie sie strozy.

medical pot
Feds looking for green thumbs
MARIJUANA Health Canada is looking for someone to grow its weed. The department said yesterday it will soon invite firms to bid on a contract to cultivate and distribute medical marijuana, which is now being done in Flin Flon, Man., by Prairie Plant Systems Inc.
The winning firm will be expected to deliver a steady stream of government-approved dope to certified medical users, starting in the fall. The department has paid Prairie Plant Systems more than $10 million to cultivate government-certified dope in a mine shaft in Flin Flon, Man.
-THE CANADIAN PRESS (METRO, Tuesday, April 15, 2008).

Well its spring 2008 and time for outdoor growers to get ready for this year outdoor grow. Most growers that I know use clones so that they don't have any male plants in their outdoor gardens. Then there are those who choose to just plant seeds and pull out the male plants as they show. Well in reality both dypes of growers rely on quaality genetics. I noticed that Health Canada is stating that licensed medical marijuana growers are NOT allowed to import seeds. These growers are to purchase their seeds directly from Health Canada, which I find totally unacceptable as they are only offering 2 strains to the medical marijuana grower. There are well over 1,200 different strains available today and that number keeps on increasing! Why not allow licensed growers to purchase their seeds from vendors who offer quality genetics whether they are located in Canada or not? There is no way that the genetics being offered for sale by Health Canada can help all the ailments that the patients suffer from! Patients are human beings and our bodies are different so there is no way that we can use just 2 strains to help us cope with our ailments. Does the pharmaceutical companies offer just 2 types of medicine? HELL NO! So why limit patients to the 2 strains that they are selling? I believe that this rule needs to be addressed and that licensed growers be allowed to purchase seeds from whomever they feel comfortable doing so. There are plenty of stores in Canada that sells seeds and I applaud them for doing so. The fact that the following businesses Emery Seeds, Heaven Stairway and others who have been charged for selling seeds is ludicrous! Why should Health Canada have exclusivity when all they are offering is 2 strains? Isn't it time that Health Canada abide by the court ruling in both the Parker and Hitzig cases? Is the government above the law? Why should we put more stress on the courts? I say it's time for the Medical Marijuana Access Regulations be scrapped and just make marijuana legal once and for all. According to the Frazer Institute in British Columbia we are losing out on potential tax revenue of over THREE BILLION DOLLARS. The money generated can be used to help our ailing medical and education system. We are short of doctors and our teachers need to have fewer students in their class so that they can help students who need the extra assistance. It's time that we the taxpayers and voters make the elected politicians accountable for their actions. Elected politicians would think twice if they were held accountable for their actions! I'm pleased that with the support of medical marijuana patients on websites such as BREEDBAY, CSC, ICMAG, Mr. Nice, TY and others we have put together a section in this issue of Treating Yorself #11 dedicated to smoke reports of various strains that are helping medical marijuana patients cope with their ailments.
Take Care and Peace
Marco Renda
Federal Exemptee,
Publisher & Editor in Chief (TREATING YOURSELF THE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE JOURNAL, Issue 11 Spring 2008 - www.treatingyourself.com).

Ottawa shopping for new grow-op
Health Canada is looking for someone to grow its weed. The department served notice Monday it will soon allow firms to bid on a contract to cultivate and distribute medical marijuana.
The winning firm will be expected to deliver a steady stream of government-approved dope to certified medical users starting in the fall.
Health Canada posted a notice on a government tenders website saying it would put out a formal request for proposals "in the spring of 2008."
Ottawaa has been a reluctant supplier of pot since a series of court rulings forced it into the medical marijuana business. Health Canada's contentious medical marijuana program licenses certified medical users to grow their own pot, have someone grow it for them or buy it straight from Health Canada. The department has paid Prairie Plant Systems Inc. more than $10 million to cultivate government-certified dope in a mine shaft in Flin Flon, Man.
Health Canada has said it plans to eventually end its licensing of home-grown weed. That would force all medical users to buy their supplies directly from Ottawa, perhaps through pharmacy distribution.
Meanwhile, a Federal Court decision in January struck down a key restriction in the government's pot program. A judge ruled to ease Ottawa's grip on medical marijuana by allowing growers to supply the drug to more than one user. Prior to the ruling, users could grow their own weed but couldn't supply it to more than one person at a time. The federal government is appealing the decision.
-THE CANADIAN PRESS (24 HOURS, Tuesday, April 15, 2008).

Support Medicinal Marijuana
Medical Marijuana Exemptee Patient Advocate

20:58 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza. Dzisiaj wtorek. 15 kwietnia 2008. Dzien dluzszy od najkrotszego dnia w roku o 6 godzin i 15 minut. Imieniny Anastazji, Waclawa, Leonida, Modesta, Wiktoryna, Cezarego.
1888 - Urodzil sie Henryk Brun, kupiec, dzialacz gospodarczy; w latach 30. prezes Stowarzyszenia Kupcow Polskich i Naczelnej Rady Zrzeszen Kupiectwa Polskiego; zginal 21 VI 1940 r. rozstrzelany przez Niemcow w Palmirach.
1888 - Urodzil sie Tadeusz Pruszkowski, malarz, pedagog; czlonek Rytmu, zalozyciel i czlonek Bractwa Sw. Lukasza; profesor warszawskiej ASP; zginal rozstrzelany przez hitlerowcow w 1942 r. ("Kalendarz Rodzinny").
- Za to wzywam pana, premierze Donaldzie Tusk, do publicznego zobowiazania przed Polakami, ze zanim panskie obietnice wobec Zydow stana sie prawem obciazajacym panstwo polskie, polskich emerytow i rencistow, i tych, ktorych okradziono po wojnie z ich wlasnosci - nie wyda pan za granice jednej polskiej zlotowki, poki nie naprawione zostana krzywdy, jakie zadano Polakom. Jest co naprawiac. Wypada panu o tym wiedziec.
Miroslaw Orzechowski
Tadeusz Gajl w "Herby Szlacheckie Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodow", zacne szlacheckie rodziny ORZECHOWSKI przypisuje do klanow: Ciolek, Lubicz, Oksza, Radwan, Rogala, Topor, Orzechowski.
Amerykanie zakladaja, ze ukrywanie prawdy o zbrodni jest nie mniejsza nikczemnoscia od samego mordu...
Sukces Wajdy to takze dowod glebokiego rozczarowania Amerykanow Rosja Wladimira Putina. Zwiazek miedzy powrotem do promowania przez Moskwe sowieckiej wizji historii i ograniczaniem swobod politycznych jest dla Amerykanow zupelnie oczywisty (Andrew Nagorski, "Prawda i jej wrogowie. Nominacja dla "Katynia" to dowod, ze zmienia sie nastawienie Amerykanow do Rosji Putina", NEWSWEEK, 3.02.2008).

1 comment:

Dominika Starańska said...

Fajnie to wszystko zostało tu opisane.